Week of 2013-02-19

General Info

Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement

Call-In Info

  1. Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
  2. Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
  3. Speak your name, then enter #.

Roll Call




Christine Costantino



Adriene Radcliffe



Kesha Patel



Barbara Manville



David Backeberg



Wendy Battles



Kathleen Reilly



Jane Livingston



Bob Liu



Jeff Euben



Liz Burnell



Roger Kennedy


(error) (optional)

Brad Hajzak


(tick) (optional)


Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  1. Team Members
    1. What did you do last week?
    2. What are you doing this week?
    3. What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
  2. Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
  3. Other issues / concerns?



  • Done
    • Attended Email Modernization mtg re: which email services should be part of this project.
    • Updated charter, schedule and resource plans; sent to Adriene for review
    • Re-scheduled TOC mtg on 3/7 for change request (scope & schedule)
  • Current
    • Meeting with Bob & Jane re: wireframes
    • Meeting with Jay Fusco's team re: XTRAIN
    • Updating and adding to work plan
    • Updating monthly cost reports
    • Writing go-in position for removing mobile device accessories - shop with business (Wendy, Kathleen)
    • Will set-up a meeting to introduce Brad to this project, Kesha and Barbara will attend.
  • Next: TOC presentation and change request form

Wendy & Kathleen:

  • Done:
    • Presentation for Julie Grant yesterday went very well
    • Communications plan (including service owners) draft = 85% complete
  • Current:
    • Updating presentation to present to BOLT and operating group to 2/28 re: overall approach; mtgs to update presentation this week
    • Working on org impact analysis beginning tomorrow
    • Inventory of email and calendaring services - vetting this week with email team this week
  • General notes:
    • Training for Ops Managers will begin in August
    • Ops managers (TACs) will be engaged for feedback, Julie hasn't yet suggested Ops Managers to work with
    • Business managers as now called Lead Administrators, and are different from Ops Managers.


  • Current:
    • Telephone sets and lines - half done, tomorrow meeting with Jeff and Alice
    • Ethernet meeting this week
    • Financial approval for telecom & use cases


  • Done:
    • Updated START maintain lists process maps for mtg with IAM on Thurs.
    • Met with David, Christine and Bill re: Oracle tables and functions.
    • Explored snapshot refresh - no one uses it, 5/8 invalid, therefore no need to build this
  • Current:
    • Mtg re: people lists and roles with IAM on Thurs.
    • Mtg re: campus backup with Kesha


  • Done: Cleaned up PTAEO validator. It's still slow, possible firewall issue? Will get DNO account to troubleshoot issue.
  • Current: Telecom for Fruition - iterating forms, financial approval (revised $ value)


  • Introduction of Brad - he working for Josh as a BA for provisioning engine & business requirements.
  • NetID is one of first items for provisioning tool, Brad is working on mapping this process.
  • Sailpoint in purchasing, proof of concept, sandbox, lots of use cases (~20), working on architecture.

Issues/Concerns: none

Past Meetings