Week of 2013-04-09
Week of 2013-04-09
General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
Yale |
Kesha Patel |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
David Backeberg |
Yale |
Wendy Battles |
Yale |
Bob Liu |
Yale |
Jeff Euben |
Yale |
Roger Kennedy |
Yale |
Jay Johnson |
Yale |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Yale |
Jane Livingston |
Yale |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Review Project Plan deliverables
- Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
* Roger led the discussion, Christine took notes.
Review of Project Plan
Plan Phase
- Project Plan (Christine) - in draft. Christine will schedule a project planning meeting for Friday 11-1pm - Kesha will be out; include Don, Jay, John, Matt
- Risk Log (Christine) - in draft. update adding resource risk for Kathleen Reilly
- Stakeholder Impact Analysis (Wendy) - complete, just need sign-off from Liz, Jane, & Jay
- Communication Plan (Wendy) draft - need sign-off from Liz, Jane, Jay
Analyze Phase (As-Is)
- Business Requirements Doc (Kesha)
- Email alias (Barb) - design, to-be only
- YaleConnect Exchange - Matt?, Brad Hajzak? Documented process in Blueworks - Jay to check in, David & Rod meeting (decision log in Sharepoint)
- Ethernet & Oracle requests (Barb) - complete
- Central Backup (Barb) - 95% complete. Who does the approval?
- NetID PIN - Matt created process diagram, Liz then updated it. Jay to follow-up (Client Accts). Rod and Dave meet tomorrow about this.
- Xpress Shipping user (Barb) - refer to FN_2, provisioning in IAM?
- Work queues/approval queue (Barb) - 100% complete, in Blueworks, see FN_53
- Display responsibilities - Oracle access (move to IAM?) Client Accts uses this
- Referential Data (Barb) - As-is = 100% To-be - request to enter into START?
- Invoice approval - R12 project is taking care of this.
- Kathleen Reilly has left the project. Need to mitigate this by training time (summer)
- Jane's promotion and new role. Jane will stay on the project until/unless someone else can take her place.
- David on-call this week
- IAM dependencies - Christine working with Don and John (PMs for IAM), David is working with Rod and technical team for IAM.
- ESS vs. ITS website for user interaction. Re-skin all of Service-Now? Not in scope of START but Adriene and Jane discussed this months ago and agreed that it's a good path forward. What are the UI options for SN. We'll need technical analysis by Bill, David re: pushing and pulling data into ITS website or re-skin SN altogether. Jane asked for a conversation re: level of effect re: reskin SN altogether; Fruition and SN partners should be able to help us re: how to get the push/pull working and what other clients have done in similar situation. Barbara asked... can we leverage Web Methods?
Action Items
- Schedule planning meeting for Friday 4/5
- Schedule Plan and Analyze gate after Friday's meeting
- Update Work Plan and Risk Log
- Display Responsibilies - move to IAM? Need to log decision
- Send Stakeholder Impact Analysis to Jay, Jane, Liz for sign-off
- Send Communication Plan to Jay, Jane, Liz for sign-off
- Start working on the Business Requirements Doc
- Find out who approves Central Backup requests
- Meet with Bob Condon re: Infrastructure Build
- Work up a build plan with milestones, Fruition work
- Check in with
- Follow-up re: NetID PIN request process with Matt, Liz, Rod
- Shop XTRAIN go-in position with Marc Ulan & Judy Offut (Adriene)
- Weigh-in on re-skinning of SN discussion,
Past Meetings