Week of 2013-05-21
General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement.
Please let Christine know if you plan to call in.
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Role |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
PM |
Kesha Patel |
BA |
Barbara Manville |
SME / BA |
David Logie |
BA |
David Backeberg |
Tech Lead |
Hari Adusumilli |
Test Lead |
Wendy Battles |
CM |
Bob Liu |
ITS Web Dev |
Roger Kennedy |
Portfolio Manager |
Chris Kilbourne |
Web Functional Lead/Sponsor |
Jeff Euben |
CTS Voice |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Sponsor |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Review Action Items from last week
- Review Project Plan deliverables
- Obstacles & Risks
* Roger led the discussion with the project plan, Christine took notes.
Review of Action Items
- Christine - Will update the mockups for the Focus Groups and schedule the XTRAIN meeting with Judy, Roger, and Jay.
- Wendy - Finish financial approval notifications this week, then send to Janet for review
Review of Project Plan Deliverables
Analyze Phase (As-Is)
- Display responsibilities (Christine) - 100% Received response from IAM folks. This will be available via Sailpoint once the various systems are connected to Sailpoint in the future.
Design Phase (To-be)
- Financial notification (Wendy) - 20%
- Travel Orbitz - travel arranger designation, policy approvers, two others?
- SciQuest, Xpressshipping - next for Barbara
- People Lists - need to change dates with Barbara
- Mobile Device - 5% Kesha
- Schedule XTRAIN meeting - Christine next week
- TMS - set-up, need sign-off from Julie Grant
- Training approach due 5/14
- Training plan - June
- Generate NetID PIN - David Loge
Build Phase
- ESS requirements for 5/15 - complete. Christine is meeting with Mark Kovacs and Jeff Capuano re: new incident form.
- PTAEO validator (David) - 100%
- Copy PTAEO - 95%
- Financial approval (David) - UAT in progress - defects to Fruition - 85%
- Mockup for Telephone sets & lines - 100%
- Pagers - UAT found defects, send to Fruition
- Order Guides - fix dates
Test Phase
- Pagers (Hari) - 80%, pending financial approval workflow
- PTAEO test cases 60%
- Financial Approval - pending
Develop cut-over plan
Obstacles & Risks
Release Status (START items labeled purple)
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Past Meetings
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