Week of 2013-02-05
Week of 2013-02-05
General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
Yale |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Yale |
Kesha Patel |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
David Backeberg |
Yale |
Wendy Battles |
Yale |
Kathleen Reilly |
Yale |
Jane Livingston |
Yale |
Bob Liu |
Yale |
Jeff Euben |
Yale |
Liz Burnell |
Yale |
Roger Kennedy |
Yale |
Brad Hajzak |
Yale |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Team Members
- What did you do last week?
- What are you doing this week?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
- Other issues / concerns?
- Presentation: Wireframes for ITS Website & SN integration of requests (Bob & Christine)
Introduction: Liz introduced Brad to the group; he is the business analyst for the IAM projects.
- Done
- attended Email Modernization mtg with Adriene re: which email services should be part of this project.
- met with Bob to create wireframes - see presentation.
- scheduled TOC mtg on 2/21 for change request (scope & schedule)
- Current
- developing work plan - meeting Wed.
- moving all notes and meeting agendas & mins to Confluence
- update charter, schedule and resource plans
- writing go-in position for removing mobile device accessories - shop with business (Wendy, Kathleen)
- Next: TOC presentation and change request form
- Obstacles: too many meetings, not enough hours in the day :)
Wendy & Kathleen:
- Current: finalizing presentation for Julie Grant; meeting will take place next week; Wendy will circulate final draft for comments.
- Current: working on the communications plan (including service owners) draft.
- Current: organizational impact analysis and stakeholder analysis are in progress - on SharePoint.
- Current: started setting up meetings for email with stakeholders, meetings are held on Friday mornings.
- Action item: gather inventory of email and calendaring services
- Current: finalizing requirements for Ethernet, pagers, telephone sets and lines, documenting requirements
- Obstacles: working 50% time on CMDB which is ramping up.
- Done: met with Kesha yesterday to look at lead admins and ops manager data, another meeting scheduled this week
- Nest: Items remaining for as-is - people lists; need to work with IAM to propose short-term solution
- Done: PTAEO validator working with Web Methods, user-friendly indicator for missing or wrong data.
- Current: nearing completion of telecom forms for Fruition
- Done: met with Christine re: wireframes
- Current: talking with David about data integration between SN and ITS website
- Presentation of wireframes (see documents above).
Financial approval discussion
- One-time vs recurring cost discussion. How to calculate with tresholds ($75)? We may not have any costs less than $75 if accessories are removed from telecom.
- Cellphone accessories to be removed from START, use of GovConnection - agreed upon by Jeff Euben, David Galassi, and Andrea Capelli.
XTRAIN discussion
- Adriene: completed position on XTRAIN sunsetting, shopped with tech team. Payroll and access requests in scope for approvals. Tech team reviewing other functions; they will broach topic with functional team. During Len's mini town hall on development and app management - when clients insist on small one-off systems (like XTRAIN), Len will back us up on saying "no" to clients about sustaining these systems.
- Compliance to be handled by TMS. Access before training or after training but no special workflow for intermingling training and access.
- Liz: bring XTRAIN stakeholders (from last yr's meeting) back into group. Adriene: Jay Fusco's team will liaise with Judy Offutt's team.
- Brad: will look into process with compliance folks.
- Change management needed for this transition to TMS - communication and readiness, work with TMS staff. 6-8 stakeholders for XTRAIN
- SME for TMS Christine Viele - will help with courses and compliance and added people needing this compliance, etc.
Issues / Concerns:
- PTAEO Validator is very slow, pending process to speed it up via opening conduit. Should only take .5 sec. instead of 13 sec.
Wireframes presentation - see attached document above.