Email Addresses

Email Addresses



ITSM Mailman List


Password:  See team member for password 

Email comes to this list from three places

  1. Our project feedback form at http://its.yale.edu/servicenow-comments-and-feedback
  2. When someone sends an email to itsm@yale.edu
  3. When someone sends an email to itsm50@mailman.yale.edu

If it’s a Yale person that sends an email to this list it is sent to everyone on the list.  Sometimes there’s a message that gets sent and it waits for a moderator to go in and either allow it to go through or delete the message so it’s not sent to everyone on the list.  The moderator must use the link and password above to log into the mailing list to take care of these messages.  If a moderator doesn’t log in and take care of it the mailing list will keep sending the email until someone takes care of it.

  • Current admins/moderators of the list are
    • Deanna Burns
    • Mandi Luca
    • Chris Bellerjeau
  • Current members of the list are
    • Deanna Burns
    • Mandi Luca
    • Chris Bellerjeau
    • Dan Franko