Week of 2013-03-12
Week of 2013-03-12
General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
Yale |
Kesha Patel |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
David Backeberg |
Yale |
Wendy Battles |
Yale |
Kathleen Reilly |
Yale |
Bob Liu |
Yale |
Jeff Euben |
Yale |
Liz Burnell |
Yale |
Roger Kennedy |
Yale |
Jay Johnson |
Yale |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Yale |
Jane Livingston |
Yale |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Team Members
- What did you do last week?
- What are you doing this week?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
- Other issues / concerns?
* Intro of Jay Johnson by Liz. Jay is the new change manager for IAM.
- Done:
- Attended Central Campus Backup meeting
- Attended ServiceNow Webinar re: Service Catalog
- Created RICEFW inventory draft
- Current:
- Steering Committee Meeting tomorrow
- Updating and adding to work plan
- TOC presentation and change request form
- Finalizing deliverables for Planning and Analyze gate - will task team members to pitch in as appropriate
Wendy & Kathleen:
- Done:
- Org impact analysis
- Draft of the text for email notifications
- Inventory of email and calendaring services - finalizing inventory and processes - Exchange will be the only service to be part of this project; others will become part of the FY14 e-services project
- Current:
- Will schedule a follow-up meeting with Julie Grant re: financial approval process
- Gathering names for the focus group - Ops Managers and high-volume users. Received some recommendations from Susan Wells, Brent Dickman, and Sandy Stein.
- Next:
- Start coordinating meeting for focus group (early April). Need to figure out where to hold these meetings.
- Begin training plan by looking at the various audiences.
- Schedule SOM meeting?
- Schedule return to BOLT/OG meeting.
- Done: Pager use cases
- Current:
- Working on Ethernet request - hopes to finish this by end of the week
- Will schedule meeting with Sandy Boutin and Steve Degroat next week re: backup
- Walk-through with Jeff re: pagers today; then David can send this to fruition
- Next:
- Telephone sets and lines
- Done:
- PTAEO work - Fruition is working on phase 3 of 4.
- Visio mockup for Pagers; walk-through today, then send to Fruition
- Current:
- Completed loading Ops Manager data
- Change "Head" label to "Lead Admin"
- Will send the financial approval info to Fruition
- Splitting out requests from incidents (My Tickets, My Requests)
- Next: Bill will refresh the Dev environment soon, David will need to move his development into Test before then.
- Done: Working with Dave and Bill re: ESS, new wire frames - how to morph current UI to new UI.
- Current: Creating prototype for tickets and requests split out - by end of March?
Issues/Concerns: None
Past Meetings