START - Focus Group notes
START - Focus Group notes
Focus Groups:
- Tuesday, May 28, 3:10-4:05pm SHM Med. ITS website familiarity = ~50%
- Wednesday, May 29, 10:05-11am. 55 WHIT. ITS website familiarity = ~50%
- Monday, June 3, 10:02-10:48am. EPH Med. ITS website familiarity = ~60%. Use Computing Request Form = ~50%
- Tuesday, June 4 9:03-10:05am 55 WHIT. ITS website familiarity = ~50%
- Monday, June 17 9-10am CLS LIB. ITS website familiarity = ~100%
*Need to post presentation & FAQs! - Wendy
Ideas for next time:
- Create sign for door
- Bring candy
Potential Requirements:
- Add START to the Yale Portal (need to speak with Kate Reynolds) - task for Wendy
- Add Requested For field to My Request page - DONE
- Being able to see???
- Accessing approvals going back an FY year - REPORT req.
- Ongoing history of items ordered for faculty members (Telecom)
- Adding unit/department to the request fields to see all the requests, not just ones they approve - REPORT req.
- Change label from Proceed to Checkout to Submit Order - WISHLIST
- Process for handling mobile estimates (potential requirement - John Zito) - CLARIFY
- Quick links on ITS website - font too small - UI req.
- Filtering/sorting of requests (cancelled, active, etc.) - UI req.
- My Approvals archive for closed Requests - UI/REPORT req.
- Granting Oracle access by department or division instead of org - Already in system
- My Incidents (add client & contact) - UI req.
- Approx. costs for telecom? Routing $-related requests to CTS Voice first, then Financial Approval? or second financial approval? - Big issue
- Change bg color for shopping cart and/or Submit
- PTAEO tied to approval org not home org
- Mirror other person's access instead of picking? - Ask CLIENT ACCTs.
- Edit request link on Request Approval Notification, must include all info in email - FINANCIAL NOTIFICATION
- Only show active requests - UI
- Off-boarding - delete all access
- Service-page instructions - ITS Web / Knowledge
- Catalog Item descriptions short with emphasis on add, change, delete
- Show requested for in My approvals - UI
- Expenditure type editable - NEED USE CASE
- Searching features for Requests in SN - name, dept? - REPORT
- View approvals for whole department? - REPORT
Items to Research / Questions needing answers:
- 2 Ops Managers in Law School - how will these route?
- Does everyone (delegates) get an email re: request in approval queue?
- What's happening with the telecom approvers list?
- Hiring checklist - look under HR forms
- Info on where to send other requests - publish list somewhere - ITS website or FBO website?
- Timing of IAM initiatives
- If no Ops Manager, escalate to self?
- Red flag on Award (letter)?
- Oracle data for ongoing history - what items does Prof. H have?
General Questions:
- Delegation for Approvals? Yes
- Training levels? - online and auditorium for approvers
- On-board multiple people at one time? No, slated for the future
- Workday? No interaction known at this point.
, multiple selections available,