Technical Specifications for R993, Mobile Device change

Phase one, worked on FRU0015118

There's going to be more to this, but this is the simplest case.

See mockup attached:

New Catalog Item: Mobile Device: Change

variable01: "Requested for", reference lookup on sys_user
variable02: "Enter Mobile Device Number to be Deleted", single line text box
variable03: "Change type", multiple choice question
choices, apply in order:
"Change PTAEO / Reassign New End User"
"Change Mobile Device – Provider, Plan OR Model"
"Transfer from Personal to Corporate"
"Transfer from Corporate to Personal"
"Transfer from Corporate to Corporate (coming to Yale)"
"Transfer from Corporate to Corporate (going out of Yale)"

variable04: "Building data" variable set
variable05: "Reassign End User change" variable set
variable06: "Contact information for telco forms" variable set
variable07: "PTAEO recurring" variable set

UI policy:

variable01: required, default to current user
variable02: required, verify with phone number verification script
variable03: required
variable04: required, already included inside variable set
variable05: already included inside variable set
variable06: already included inside variable set
variable07: already included inside variable set
variable07: set recurring PTAEO expenditure code as "831101"
variable07: set both initial and recurring PTAEO transaction type as "U"
variable07: set both initial and recurring expenditure codes as readonly

Catalog item:

suppress "quantity" from catalog item
set category to "Phones and Cable TV"


  • Need a requested_for workflow step to set the request on the user set in Catalog item variable
  • Need to jump to financial approval workflow as a subtask
  • SCTASK needs to be assigned to "CTS Cellular" assignment group

Phase two, R993: FRU0015605

Mobile Device Change. Build out PPD scenario, but PTAEO policies first

Make a new update set. Do not continue on existing update sets for this request.

This is one part of a large catalog request. Some of this is already built.

See the attached PDF, which explores the three scenarios of this subset of the overall request.

We want to contain these variables in a variable set; let's call it "Mobile Device Change PPD"

These are UI policy-heavy, and we need to hide and show a bunch of stuff.

The three PPD scenarios require us to hide the contents of the variable set contents for the recurring PTAEO, and instead show the contents for the initial and recurring PTAEO. There are other scenarios in the overall request (depending on change type) that will require us to hide both variable sets, so consider that when you're building out the UI policies.

Change End user / PTAEO: show recurring PTAEO
Change PPD: show recurring and initial PTAEO
Trans p to c: show recurring and initial PTAEO
trans c to p: no ptaeo
trans c to c coming: show recurring and initial PTAEO
trans c to c going: no ptaeo

There's way more stuff to come, but let's get this stuff built, which is useful.

We need a new variable set, and we only want this visible when change type equals "Change Device: Provider, Plan OR Model". Also, we need to change the question choices for Choice Type on the catalog item; workflow limits option choices to 40 characters, and we will definitely have to do workflow on the question answer choices. We will need to make other changes to the question choices as well, but I do not have those revisions yet.

Next, We need a variable set for multiple scenarios within Mobile Device Change: call this "Change Mobile Device PPD"

variable01: start container
variable02: Label "Change Mobile Device - Provider, Plan or Model"
variable03: title "Select type of Mobile Device Change" multiple choice:
choices: "Change Provider", "Change Mobile Device Model", "Change Calling/Data Plan"
variable04: title "Select Existing Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup multiple choice on "u_mobile_device_plans", "Vendor" field.
variable05: title "Select New Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup multiple choice on "u_mobile_device_plans", "Vendor" field.
variable06: title "Enter Existing Mobile Device Model", single line text box (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable07: title "Enter New Mobile Device Model", single line text box (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable08: title "Select New Calling/Data Plan", reference lookup on, u_mobile_device_plans, constrain by Vendor and only show non-add-on plans, (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable09: title "Select any add-ons to the base plan", slushbucket with the add on plans, constrain by Vendor and only show non-add-on plans (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable10: title "Total Monthly Recurring Charge (excluding the device charge)", single line text box. We want this to dynamically update with the same value that shows up on the shopping cart. Unless it's too silly to build. We discussed this on Mobile Device Add, and we got the cart working properly there.
variable11: end container

UI Policy on "Change Mobile Device PPD"

if Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Provider", display variable05 and variable07, and hide variable04 and variable06
If Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Mobile Device Model", display variable04 and variable07 and hide variable05 and variable06
If Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Calling/Data Plan", display variable04 and variable06, and hide variable05 and variable07

We need the contents of this variable set to show up below the location variable set, and above the Contact Information variable set.
choices: "Change Provider", "Change Mobile Device Model", "Change Calling/Data Plan"
variable04: title "Select Existing Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup multiple choice on "u_mobile_device_plans", "Vendor" field.
variable05: title "Select New Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup multiple choice on "u_mobile_device_plans", "Vendor" field.
variable06: title "Enter Existing Mobile Device Model", single line text box (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable07: title "Enter New Mobile Device Model", single line text box (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable08: title "Select New Calling/Data Plan", reference lookup on, u_mobile_device_plans, constrain by Vendor and only show non-add-on plans, (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable09: title "Select any add-ons to the base plan", slushbucket with the add on plans, constrain by Vendor and only show non-add-on plans (see Mobile Device add catalog item)
variable10: title "Total Monthly Recurring Charge (excluding the device charge)", single line text box. We want this to dynamically update with the same value that shows up on the shopping cart. Unless it's too silly to build. We discussed this on Mobile Device Add, and we got the cart working properly there.
variable11: end container

UI Policy on "Change Mobile Device PPD"

if Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Provider", display variable05 and variable07, and hide variable04 and variable06
If Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Mobile Device Model", display variable04 and variable07 and hide variable05 and variable06
If Select type of Mobile Device Change is "Change Calling/Data Plan", display variable04 and variable06, and hide variable05 and variable07

We need the contents of this variable set to show up below the location variable set, and above the Contact Information variable set.

Phase three, first batch of transfers out of yale, FRU0015638

FRU0015605 should be done first. If that's still open, don't do this yet.

For Transfer from Corporate to Personal

Need new variable set: "Mobile Device Change transfers out of yale"

variable01: section begin
variable02: label "Transfer from Corporate to Personal Details"
variable03: label "Transfer from Corporate to Corporate (going out of Yale)"
variable04: date picker, "Date to end service", need enforcement, required
variable05: reference multiple choice lookup, "Select Existing Mobile Device Provider" this is identical to variables in existing parts of this form, required
variable06: multi line text box "Enter the Company Name and the Contact information you are transfering your Yale device to", required
variable07: section end

UI Policy:

when change type equals "Transfer from Corporate to Personal" or "Transfer from Corp to Corp (going)" set display this variable set, and hide other change-type-specific variable sets. You will need to revise the Change Type question answers to make this a possible choice. Again we are at the 40 character limit that will break workflow later in this process.

do validation on date to end service. Rip off the onChange and onSubmit scripts from Telephone Services Delete catalog item.

variable02: only display if change type is "Transfer from Corporate to Personal"
variable03: only display if change type is "Transfer from Corp to Corp (going)"
variable06: only display if change type is "Transfer from Corp to Corp (going)", make non-mandatory and invisible otherwise


Phase four, second batch of transfers: FRU0015655

Do not do this one before you work on:

FRU0015605 and

We have more scenarios of transfers for change types involving transfers to Yale.

Need new variable set: "Mobile Device Change transfers into yale"

variable01: section begin
variable02: label "Transfer from Personal to Corporate Details"
variable03: label "Transfer from Corporate to Corporate (Coming to Yale) Details"
variable04: multiple choice, choices are Yes and No, title "Are you staying with your current Provider", help message "Yale only provides Mobile Service for AT&T, Verizon, Sprint or T-Mobile", default yes, mandatory
variable05: multiple choice, choices are Yes and No, title "Have you authorized the release of the Financial Responsibility to Yale?", default yes, mandatory when visible
variable06: Macro, HTML, display the text "Note: You cannot complete your request process if you have not released the Financial Responsibilities to Yale. Please contact your mobile device provider and then proceed with this request process." Start out with a multiline text box, made read only, and we might have to play with it from there
variable07: multiple choice, choices are Yes and No, title "Are you eligible for a Mobile Device upgrade?", default yes, mandatory when visible
variable08: "Select Existing Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup, rip off the several other instances of this in the form already, mandatory when visible
variable09: single line text box, "Enter existing Billing Account Number", mandatory if visible, verify with phone number verification scripts we use in contact information variable set
variable10: multi line text box, "Enter existing Billing Name & Address", required if showing
variable11: single line text box, "Enter Existing Account Password", required if showing
variable12: "Select New Mobile Device Provider", reference lookup, rip off the several other instances of this in the form already, mandatory when visible
variable13: "Enter Existing Mobile Device Model", single line text box, mandatory when visible
variable14: "Enter New Moblie Device Model", single line text box, mandatory when visible
variable15: "Select New Calling/Data Plan", reference lookup, rip off the several other instances of this in the form already, mandatory when visible
variable16: "Select any add-ons to the base plan", slush bucket reference looup, rip off other instance on this form already, optional
variable17: single line text box with the total recurring monthly charges. Not sure this can be done
variable18: section end

UI Policy:

Transfer from Corp to Corp (inbound)

when change type equals "Transfer from Personal to Corporate" or "Transfer from Corp to Corp (inbound)" set display this variable set, and hide other change-type-specific variable sets. You will need to revise the Change Type question answers to make this a possible choice. Again we are at the 40 character limit that will break workflow later in this process.

variable02: only display if change type is "Transfer from Personal to Corporate"
variable03: only display if change type is "Transfer from Corp to Corp (inbound)"
variable04: display at all times variable set is showing
variable05: only display when variable04 is yes
variable06: only display when variable04 is yes and variable05 is no
variable07: only display when variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes
variable08: only display when (variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes) OR variable04 is no
variable09: only display when variable04 is no
variable10: only display when variable04 is no
variable11: only display when variable04 is no
variable12: only display when variable04 is no
variable13: only display when variable07 is no and variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes variable06 is yes
variable14: only display when variable07 is yes and variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes and variable06 is yes
variable15: only display when (variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes) OR variable04 is no
variable16: only display when (variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes) OR variable04 is no
variable17: only display when (variable04 is yes and variable05 is yes) OR variable04 is no

Phase five, workflow, FRU0015741

Do not do this one before you work on:

FRU0015605 and
FRU0015638 and

We need SCTASK workflow for R993.

First, we need "Requested_for" button to be hooked up to update the REQ requested for field.
Next, we need separate tasks created on the basis of the six choices on "Change type".

The task for Change PTAEO should be assigned to the group "YSS Network Services Billing", set fulfillment time as two business days.
The other tasks should be assigned to the group "CTS Cellular", set fulfillment time as five business days.

Later I'll do a ton of branching based on what was chosen within the fields, but start by getting it this far. That filtering will limit which variables we show on the SCTASK.