Week of 2013-07-16
Week of 2013-07-16
General Info
Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement.
Please let Christine know if you plan to call in.
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Role |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
PM |
Kesha Patel |
BA |
Barbara Manville |
SME / BA |
David Logie |
BA |
David Backeberg |
Tech Lead |
Hari Adusumilli |
Test Lead |
Wendy Battles |
Change Manager |
Scott Bunkin |
Training Specialist |
Bob Liu |
ITS Web Dev |
Roger Kennedy |
Portfolio Manager |
Liz Burnell |
Functional lead |
Chris Kilbourne |
Web Functional Lead |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Sponsor |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Review Project Plan deliverables
- Obstacles & Risks
General Updates
- David, Kesha, Christine and Roger discussed changing the process of sending requirements to Fruition to increase the quality of work delivered by Fruition
- Wendy and Scott will begin pulling screenshots from the development instance for training.
- Menu-ing - To create request menus for add, change, delete via ServiceNow or ITS website? Adriene made the decision that we should not worry about the Service Catalog in SN and to focus on the UX via the ITS website. Adriene would also like to see a future enhancement to collapse the add, modify and delete forms into one form for all three options.
- Release 1 of IAM will replace NetAdmin which is used to fulfill email alias, YaleConnect, and Generate NetID PIN requests. The release is planned for the end of Sept.
- XTRAIN - Barbara met with Nancy Scanlon & Stacey Smart yesterday and will have mock-ups completed by the end of this week. There are 11 courses which can be entered into TMS by Kathy Goodfriend; materials will need to be updated by the instructors. The next steps are to ID which access responsibilities have audit requirements, mock-up the to-be processes and present/discuss the to-be processes with the Oracle Access process owners.
- People Lists (11) - Barbara is working with Nancy Scanlon (who will confer with Julie Grant).
- FYI... Barbara will be out on PTO Aug 2-13.
Review of Project Plan Deliverables
Action Items
- Request access to SN development for Wendy & Scott - Christine
- Finish financial approval workflow notifications with Janet - Christine
- Set-up IAM & START dependencies meeting for Thursday - Liz
- Complete the to-be process with mock-ups for Oracle Access requests with and without training, and send to interested parties by July 26 - Barbara
- Schedule meeting with Oracle/XTRAIN process owners for Tuesday, July 30 - Christine
- Christine & Barbara to meet with Nancy Scanlon re: TAC list this afternoon
- David, Kesha and Christine to meet this afternoon to finalize financial approval workflow changes.
- David to meet with Bill and Kazi this afternoon to review the API requirements.
Release Status (START items labeled purple)
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Past Meetings
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