2012-03-02 Daily Stand-Up
2012-03-02 Daily Stand-Up
General Info
Call-In Info
- Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
- Speak you name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Roseann Adams |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
James McKay |
Yale |
Bill West |
Yale |
Chloe Turnbull |
Yale |
Jeff Bieler |
Yale |
Howard Gilbert |
Yale |
Vamshi Bedhadi |
Yale |
Derek Hodge |
Fruition |
Leeann Green |
Fruition |
Please come to the meeting prepared with answers, even if it's to report nothing, no progress, or no obstacles.
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you doing today?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- debrief w/ Barbara for vacation
- Roseann following up w/ Rod & Eric re: views
- Barb will finish up mapping testing when she gets back
- DSP stuff also will be followed up when she gets back
- location stuff is delivered to Derek
- status report done
- added sysadmin SOW info to project plan per Howard's request
- is working on taking project schedule to a new version, will send out this weekend or Monday
- validated MMN report
- worked on email notification, should be resolved
- obstacles:
- email & antispam work.
- arranged next Nagios integration
- AD roles & sent info to Derek
- will work on defect
- obstacles: on-call
- updating requirements documents
- new call plugin requirements (reinvestigation)
- late this pm will send assignment groups to managers, deadline of COB Tuesday for managers
- still collecting feedback on group email aliases from owners
- obstacles: not getting timely responses
- trying soap connection against sandbox
- obstacle: working on month-end tasks
- obstacle: working w/ bill on permission
- done with problem notification
- defect #1 missing fields for the user form (Chloe will jump in on this, cc: Jeff, Vamshi)
- defect #16 - couldn't reproduce all fields mentioned in defect
- defect #17 - Chloe still working on this
- defect #86 - valid to doesn't match requirements - Jeff says it should be user input not to exceed 1 year, not autopopulate, Chloe will look at this to clarify.
- obstacle: still waiting for location
- still working on functional testing of change and knowledge
- still doing knowledge transfer to Vamshi
- obstacles: imminent time off
- Barbara is working on location data (see UAT Stand-Up status)
- Chloe will follow up w/ Dawn re: resolve button (haven't heard back yet)
- Bill will work on email spam/whitelisting problem (continuing)
- Chloe will work on assignment groups (continuing)
Barbara will talk to Mike to refresh notification content for Derek
prep for ITSM advisory committee meeting on Thu
Leann will send mail template to Chloe re: phone number info
Chloe will add Silas to ServiceNow
Chloe & Bill will work on email ingest, incl. follow-up meeting
Chloe & Bill meet re: email ingest
Barb will work on RACI roles
- Roseann will schedule meeting to talk about switch to update sets
- Leann and Jeff will meet to go over defect #16
Vamshee meeting w/ Jeff and Chloe around 2:30 to do knowledge transfer
Bill will schedule meeting w/ Derek; invite Chloe, copy Roseann
- Yale folks should preemptively remove meetings, demand agenda for other meetings
Get Vamshi into test instance
Invite Vamshi Bedhadi to meeting
Bill will notify Derek of upcoming AD/roles input
Bill will confirm Barb's dev instance admin rights