2012-02-23 Daily Stand-Up
2012-02-23 Daily Stand-Up
General Info
Call-In Info
- Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
- Speak you name, then enter #.
Roll Call
2011/02/23 1:30pm EST
Name |
Org |
Present |
Roseann Adams |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
James McKay |
Yale |
Bill West |
Yale |
Chloe Turnbull |
Yale |
Jeff Bieler |
Yale |
Howard Gilbert |
Yale |
Derek Hodge |
Fruition |
Leeann Green |
Fruition |
Please come to the meeting prepared with answers, even if it's to report nothing, no progress, or no obstacles.
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you doing today?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Roseann met with Mike re: UAT plan, will be working on Virtual Sysadmin SOW
- Barb finished with user import, will work on RACI
- Chloe was out, will work on Assignment Group re-work from re-org changes w/ Bill, will report back to Roseann via email
- Chloe, Barb, Derek worked on email intake. Chloe will follow up w/ Bill
- Chloe sending Bill requirement on incoming SN mail whitelisting
James, Neha, Roseann, maybe Jeff will meet to help James frame up his test cases for reporting.
Roseann will loop Jeff Bieler into the UAT discussion so user test findings are funneled into the defect stream.
Bill will loop back with Susan & Adriene to find out if/when/who regarding knowledge transfer to operation SaaS/PaaS support
At James' request, Bill will add survey role to BA group if it's not already there
- Chloe & Bill email ingest
- Chloe & Bill will work on email ingest, incl. follow-up meeting
- Bill will work on email spam/whitelisting problem
- Barb will work on RACI roles
- Chloe will work on assignment groups