2012-04-11 Daily Stand-Up
2012-04-11 Daily Stand-Up
General Info
Call-In Info
- Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
- Speak you name, then enter #.
Go-Live Checklist
- Requirements (HPQC)
- Schedule (Sharepoint)
- Defects (Google Docs)
- To-Do List (Google Docs)
- Issues Log (Sharepoint)
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Roseann Adams |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
James McKay |
Yale |
Bill West |
Yale |
Chloe Turnbull |
Yale |
Howard Gilbert |
Yale |
Vamshi Bedhadi |
Yale |
Derek Hodge |
Fruition |
Leeann Green |
Fruition |
Suneetha Pothireddy |
Fruition |
- Please come to the meeting prepared with answers, even if it's to report nothing, no progress, or no obstacles.*
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you doing today?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- did data validation
- worked on nagios integration
- working on email boxes w/ winsys (almost sorted out)
- will create test data
- did data validation
- UAT follow up on feedback
- related defects 175, 180 (removing OOB templates & requests in training)
- process owner repeat UAT pursuant to sign-off (incident, then change, then request, then problem & kb next week m+t)
- fixed available requests
- will push update set tonight
- can we load SCCM?
- IST2 should work in test
- worked on metrics test cases
- retesting bug fixes, ETA of tomorrow
- looking at newly-logged defects (ESS & ITIL homepages), defect 185
- Bill & Nick - nagios integration (feedback received, working on final steps)
- James will post results to SharePoint
- Bill working on email intake addresses (Lori, Winsys)
Bill will work on email spam problem (inquiry in for mailboxes)
Bill & Barb will work on mockup of DSP, contract inclusion
Bill will work on iFactory demo data & dev account
Bill will follow up on populating group owner in AD
James to follow up w/ Rick re: CSI to find out work scope
Chloe will follow up on pp15-17 AP200 request items 189-190
Chloe will follow up on new call plugin (Dawn)
Chloe will follow up w/ Dawn re: resolve button (haven't heard back yet)
Chloe will edit links in notification emails
Roseann will find knowledge notification recipients
Bill will work on email whitelisting problem (ticket submitted)
Bill, add to go-live steps: clean up old data right before go-live (incident)
Bill will follow up w/ Derek to provide tagging for assignment groups vs. security groups (confirmation email sent)
Bill will work on assignment group redo (done, renamed and tagged assg groups as distributions)
Bill will set up role-based test users in test for jeff/vamshi
Bill will follow up w/ Rod Gustavson follow-up re: cleanup (maybe the Yale Dir source has better data)
Bill will provide James w/ missing schema info (he has admin rights now)
Bill will follow up on ESS disabling and blocking non-licensed user logins
Bill find out workflow for Adriene how to add news (change process & mechanism) (filter items by role)
Bill follow up on how does something get in the faq (removed)
Chloe will follow up on required fields (Roseann)
Leann working on list of everything not done yet per latest RTM, probably done by COB
Roseann will provide missing required fields, inbound email define record values
Chloe will work on assignment groups (continuing)
Bill will provide James w/ missing gauge perms/role
Bill will mock up changes to Self Service Homepage in sbx (done, sent to Jeff Capuano)
Bill disable ess plugin/portal? (answer: possible, tested in sbx)
Bill will follow up on roles for RACI groups
Bill will make test emails need to go to testers list
Bill will follow up on AD group name consistency
Bill will add mailman list to test instance
Bill will take a look at sandbox
Bill will get James a working SOAP account
Bill will ask Mary Kay to add James to list
Barbara is working on location data (see UAT Stand-Up status)