2013-08-09 Daily Stand-Up
2013-08-09 Daily Stand-Up
General Info
Regularly scheduled for 2pm weekdays. Subject to change: email william.west@yale.edu to get added to the meeting invite.
Call-In Info
- Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
- Speak you name, then enter #.
Work Priority/Sequence
See: Process Owners - Operational
Release Status
text to show when browser does not support iframes
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Bill West |
Yale Dev |
David Backeberg |
Yale Dev |
Chloe Turnbull |
Yale BA |
Hari Adusumilli |
Yale QA |
Tim Nichols |
Yale |
Christine Costantino |
Yale |
Ricardo Chavira |
Yale |
Kesha Patel |
Yale |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Yale |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- If you don't have a status change, that's OK! Just say so.
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you doing next? (like, within the next day or two? Break "ongoing" tasks into pieces).
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Done:
- Next:
- add more servers to SNMP
- work on QB integration (new 8/23)
- review change functional spec, convert to tech specs
- follow up on R785 with ISO
- resolve issue with R671
- Send R936 to FRU
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- Request Process functional doc draft
- schedule a SN KB hackathon
- Done:
- R1011 in test - tel svcs chg
- Next:
- R1012 - tel svcs chg
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- mobile device tech specs
- Done:
- R896 tested, created D614
- Next:
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- Done:
- Next:
- release planning w/ Julio
- R870 - follow-up analysis
- connect w/ Bill to get access to the Applications Data Source
- get app owners to map out app relationships
- Backlog:
- Done:
- regression started
- R895 pass QA, since moved back to test
- Next:
- D600 in test
- D601-603 in test
- D604 back in test (retest)
- D606 in test
- R842 (pager change)
- R850
- R950
- D593, D594, D574 - ready for retest
- D579, D591-D594 advanced to test
- revisit D436
- test R987
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- draft additional test scripts
- Done:
- Next:
- D588, R652, R654, R933, R949, R950, R957, R967: Mark Kovacs UAT changes to ESS
- R788, R789, R801: UAT follow-ups
- R939 to UAT (Pam Patterson)
- follow up re: onboarding for Center for Language Studies
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- Done:
- Next:
- Obstacles:
- Backlog:
- Done:
- Next:
- Obstacles:
- Backlog: