2012-02-24 Daily Stand-Up
2012-02-24 Daily Stand-Up
General Info
Call-In Info
- Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
- Speak you name, then enter #.
Roll Call
2011/02/24 1:30pm EST
Name |
Org |
Present |
Roseann Adams |
Yale |
Barbara Manville |
Yale |
James McKay |
Yale |
Bill West |
Yale |
Chloe Turnbull |
Yale |
Jeff Bieler |
Yale |
Howard Gilbert |
Yale |
Derek Hodge |
Fruition |
Leeann Green |
Fruition |
Please come to the meeting prepared with answers, even if it's to report nothing, no progress, or no obstacles.
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you doing today?
- What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
- Derek:
- worked on incident defects
- will work on finishing change and problem (notifications)
- needs better notification content (provided by Mike Okrent)
- Jeff:
- finished defect review from last clone, updated defect doc
- will be looking at change & problem defects on Tuesday when clone is delivered
- no major obstacles
- James:
- met with Neha this morning to frame up reporting test cases
- will start working on test cases in sandbox
- no major obstacles
- Barbara:
- delivered RACI spec to Bill for AD
- will deliver RACI spec to Derek for roles
- needs admin rights in dev
- Bill will work on email spam/whitelisting problem (continuing)
- Barb will work on RACI roles (continuing)
- Chloe will work on assignment groups (continuing)
Chloe & Bill will work on email ingest, incl. follow-up meeting
Chloe & Bill meet re: email ingest
- Bill will confirm Barb's dev instance admin rights
- Barbara will talk to Mike to refresh notification content for Derek
- Bill will notify Derek of upcoming AD/roles input