Week of 2013-03-12

General Info

Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement

Call-In Info

  1. Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
  2. Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
  3. Speak your name, then enter #.

Roll Call




Christine Costantino



Kesha Patel



Barbara Manville



David Backeberg



Wendy Battles



Kathleen Reilly



Bob Liu



Jeff Euben



Liz Burnell



Roger Kennedy



Jay Johnson


(tick) (optional)

Adriene Radcliffe


(error) (optional)

Jane Livingston


(error) (optional)


Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  1. Team Members
    1. What did you do last week?
    2. What are you doing this week?
    3. What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?
  2. Do we have any issues or risks to discuss with the ITSM program committee?
  3. Other issues / concerns?


* Intro of Jay Johnson by Liz. Jay is the new change manager for IAM.


  • Done:
    • Attended Central Campus Backup meeting
    • Attended ServiceNow Webinar re: Service Catalog
    • Created RICEFW inventory draft
  • Current:
    • Steering Committee Meeting tomorrow
    • Updating and adding to work plan
    • TOC presentation and change request form
    • Finalizing deliverables for Planning and Analyze gate - will task team members to pitch in as appropriate

Wendy & Kathleen:

  • Done:
    • Org impact analysis
    • Draft of the text for email notifications
    • Inventory of email and calendaring services - finalizing inventory and processes - Exchange will be the only service to be part of this project; others will become part of the FY14 e-services project
  • Current:
    • Will schedule a follow-up meeting with Julie Grant re: financial approval process
    • Gathering names for the focus group - Ops Managers and high-volume users. Received some recommendations from Susan Wells, Brent Dickman, and Sandy Stein.
  • Next:
    • Start coordinating meeting for focus group (early April). Need to figure out where to hold these meetings.
    • Begin training plan by looking at the various audiences.
    • Schedule SOM meeting?
    • Schedule return to BOLT/OG meeting.


  • Done: Pager use cases
  • Current:
    • Working on Ethernet request - hopes to finish this by end of the week
    • Will schedule meeting with Sandy Boutin and Steve Degroat next week re: backup
    • Walk-through with Jeff re: pagers today; then David can send this to fruition
  • Next:
    • Telephone sets and lines


  • Done:
    • PTAEO work  - Fruition is working on phase 3 of 4.
    • Visio mockup for Pagers; walk-through today, then send to Fruition
  • Current:
    • Completed loading Ops Manager data
    • Change "Head" label to "Lead Admin"
    • Will send the financial approval info to Fruition
    • Splitting out requests from incidents  (My Tickets, My Requests)
  • Next: Bill will refresh the Dev environment soon, David will need to move his development into Test before then.


  • Done: Working with Dave and Bill re: ESS, new wire frames - how to morph current UI to new UI.
  • Current: Creating prototype for tickets and requests split out - by end of March?

Issues/Concerns: None

Past Meetings