Week of 2013-04-30

General Info

Regularly scheduled weekly status for START replacement.

Please let Christine know if you plan to call in.

Call-In Info

  1. Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
  2. Enter Meeting ID 60612 and #.
  3. Speak your name, then enter #.

Roll Call




Christine Costantino



Kesha Patel



Barbara Manville



David Logie



David Backeberg

Tech Lead


Hari Adusumilli

Test Lead


Wendy Battles



Bob Liu

ITS Web Dev


Roger Kennedy

Portfolio Manager


Jay Johnson



Jeff Euben

CTS Voice

(error) (optional)

Adriene Radcliffe


(error) (optional)

Jane Livingston


(error) (optional)


Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  1. Introduction of David Logie
  2. Review Action Items from last week
  3. Review Project Plan deliverables
  4. Obstacles & Risks


* Roger led the discussion, Christine took notes.

Introduction of David Logie

Review of Action Items

  • Christine - Update Work Plan and Risk Log - Reschedule XTRAIN meeting (include Roger), schedule meeting with Client Accounts and David Logie
  • Wendy - Finish financial approval notifications with Janet (Friday 5/3 w/Janet), Schedule focus groups all but one, need room (May 13, central side), need to set-up TMS and send communication
  • Dave - Financial Approval workflow - UAT + defects, ESS work in queue - done

Review of Project Plan Deliverables

Analyze Phase (As-Is)

  • Display responsibilities (Christine) - 50% Awaiting response from IAM folks.

Design Phase (To-be)

  • Financial notification (Wendy) - 5/3
  • Telephone sets and lines (Kesha) - 100%
  • People lists request (Barb) - Travel Arranger req document -  meeting with Travel folks
  • Focus groups (Wendy) - all but one finished - change to 5/24
  • Generate NetID PIN - David Loge

Build Phase

  • ESS requirements for 5/15
  • PTAEO validator (David) - 2 more reqs: multiple ptaeos, copy ptaeos - PTAEO sprinkles
  • Financial approval (David) - Frution is working on defects
  • Ref table for Ethernet (David) - 75% passed QA, advance to prod - to be released
  • SciQuest API (David) - Rob Bores (service owner), Kahzi (developer?)
  • Pagers (David) - 100%
  • Mockup for Telephone sets & lines - 5% due 5/3
  • Mobile Device - fix dates
  • Fix CCB date
  • Ethernet - Fruition 5/10
  • Order Guides - fix dates
  • Web - Incidents 100%, May Cart 100%

Test Phase

  • Pagers (Hari) - 80%, pending financial approval workflow
  • PTAEO test cases - meeting with Igor today

Develop cut-over plan

Obstacles & Risks

  • David - YUV data - Igor today!
  • 2 weeks - ServiceNow conference, David release

Action Items

Release Status (START items labeled purple)

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Past Meetings