2013-08-13 Daily Stand-Up

General Info

Regularly scheduled for 2pm weekdays. Subject to change: email william.west@yale.edu to get added to the meeting invite.

Call-In Info

  1. Dial (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
  2. Enter Meeting ID 68840 and #.
  3. Speak you name, then enter #.

Work Priority/Sequence

See: Process Owners - Operational

Release Status

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Roll Call




Bill West

Yale Dev

(error) (vacation)

David Backeberg

Yale Dev


Chloe Turnbull

Yale BA


Hari Adusumilli

Yale QA


Tim Nichols



Christine Costantino



Ricardo Chavira



Kesha Patel



Adriene Radcliffe




Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  • If you don't have a status change, that's OK! Just say so.
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What are you doing next? (like, within the next day or two? Break "ongoing" tasks into pieces).
  • What obstacles are slowing/stopping progress?



  • Done:
  • Next:
    • add more servers to SNMP
    • work on QB integration (new 8/23)
    • review change functional spec, convert to tech specs
    • follow up on R785 with ISO
    • resolve issue with R671
    • Send R936 to FRU
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:
    • Request Process functional doc draft
    • schedule a SN KB hackathon


  • Done:
    • R1011 in test - tel svcs add workflow
    • R1012 in test - tel svcs chg workflow
  • Next:
  • working with issues on email ingress to platform
  • spent morning working on mail ingress to ServiceNow.
    attaching workflow to Ethernet
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:
    • mobile device tech specs


  • Done:
    • R896 tested, created D614
  • Next: financial approval workflow, cont.
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:


  • Done:
  • Next: v5 requirements planning
    • release planning w/ Julio
    • R870 - follow-up analysis
    • connect w/ Bill to get access to the Applications Data Source
    • get app owners to map out app relationships
  • Backlog:


  • Done:
  • finishing up pagers
  • different people have concerns about ways that the
  • filed D617 on pager add
  • Next:
    • R950 this is top priority
    • D601-603 in test
    • D604 back in test (retest)
    • D606 in test
    • R842 (pager change)
    • R850
    • D593, D594, D574 - ready for retest
    • D579, D591-D594 advanced to test
    • revisit D436
    • test R987
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:
    • draft additional test scripts


  • Done:
  • working with issues on email ingress to platform
  • Next:
    • D588, R652, R654, R933, R949, R950, R957, R967: Mark Kovacs UAT changes to ESS
    • R788, R789, R801: UAT follow-ups
    • R939 to UAT (Pam Patterson)
    • follow up re: onboarding for Center for Language Studies
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:


  • Done:
  • Next:
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:


  • Done:
  • Next:
  • Obstacles:
  • Backlog:

Past Meetings