

From: <Costantino>, Christine Costantino <christine.costantino@yale.edu>
Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 3:45 PM
To: "Kolbash, Ronn" <ronn.kolbash@yale.edu>, Elizabeth Burnell <elizabeth.burnell@yale.edu>, Adriene Radcliffe <adriene.nazaretian@yale.edu>, Roger Kennedy <roger.kennedy@yale.edu>, "Tucker, Jacqueline" <jacqueline.tucker@yale.edu>, "Grant, Julie" <julie.grant@yale.edu>, "Scanlon, Nancy" <nancy.scanlon@yale.edu>, Kathleen Reilly <kathleen.reilly@yale.edu>, "Nabozny, Joshua" <joshua.nabozny@yale.edu>, Wendy Battles <wendy.battles@yale.edu>
Subject: Re: START Replacement - Steering Committee Mtg

Dear Steering Committee Members,

I only have a few quick updates for you at this time.

  • We are working with our fulfillment groups in ITS to create a transition plan for completing requests in START before moving to ServiceNow.
  • We have extended an offer to a consultant Web Developer to replace the developer who left Yale last month. In the meantime, we have a someone on staff who can complete most of the pending project work for ITS website.
  • Russell is vetting the official communication about our change in scope and transition of the Accounts & Access scope to IAM. We hope to send this out by the end of this week to our stakeholders.

I am, therefore, canceling this meeting for tomorrow so you can have this time back. We will meet again in two weeks.

Thank you,
Christine A. Costantino, PMP
Project Manager