
General Info

Scheduled for every 3 weeks to discuss the START replacement project

Call-In Info

  1. Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266. 
  2. Enter Meeting ID: 60612 and #.
  3. Speak your name, then enter #.


Roll Call




Christine Costantino



Wendy Battles



Jane Livingston

Sponsor, ITS


Ronn Kolbash

Sponsor, SSC


Liz Burnell

Director, IAM


Adriene Radcliffe

Sponsor, ITSM


Marc Ulan

Sr. Director, Business systems

(error) (optional)





Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  1. Project Updates
  2. Wireframe Review
  3. Update on Financial Approval (Wendy)
  4. Validate Charter (sent to you via email)
  5. Review milestones for delivery


START Wireframes 2.1.ppt

PM000 - Project Charter START Replacement ITS050S_Feb2013.doc


Project Updates (Christine)

  • Planning to present the TOC for the change request next week
  • Resource costs through Feb '13: $126,400 of $250,800 = 50.3%
  • Carry-over project for FY14 is in the portfolio for the officers
  • START and IAM technical teams will be meeting next week.

Wireframe Review (Christine) - see attached document

Update on Financial Approval & Communications (Wendy)

  • Presentation to BOLT/OG
  • Follow-up meeting scheduled with Julie
  • Working on getting Focus groups - high-level users, ops managers

Validate Charter (sent to you via email, print out)

  • Ronn reviewed the charter, nothing to modify

Review milestones for delivery

  • Plan/Analyze - 2/30 (almost complete)
  • Design/Build/Test - 12/1 - 8/1
    • Currently in Design and Build phases for Telecom requests (Mobile device, Pagers, Telephone sets & lines)
    • Training - 8/1 - 9/30
  • Deploy & Warranty - 9/1 - 9/30


  • Communication to HR (generalists about what we are doing and what will be changing) - Talk to Julie about bringing in Nancy Creel Gross (HR) as a stakeholder group
  • IAM projects - what are the updated timelines for IAM projects?

Past Meetings