
General Info

Scheduled for every other week to discuss the START replacement project.

Call-In Info:

  1. Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266. 
  2. Enter Meeting ID: 60612 and #.
  3. Speak your name, then enter #.

Roll Call




Christine Costantino

Project Manager, START Replacement Project


Roger Kennedy

Portfolio Manager, Office of the CIO


Adriene Radcliffe

Sponsor / Director, Service Management & e-Services


Karen Polhemus 

Sponsor stand-in for Adriene


Ronn Kolbash

Sponsor / AVP, Yale Shared Services


Liz Burnell

Director, IAM


Jackie Tucker

Sr. Director, Business Solutions


Julie Grant

AVP, Business Operations


Nancy Scanlon

Operations Manager, Business Operations



Please come to the meeting on time & prepared

  1. Introductions
  2. Project Updates
  3. Project Milestones
  4. Risks / Issues
  5. Discussion
  6. Next Steps

Slide Deck




  • Karen is transitioning out of the project now that Adriene is back from medical leave.

Project Updates

  • Telecom & IT Requests (Pagers, Telephone services, Mobile devices, Ethernet connection, Central campus backup) 
  • Email & NetID PINs (YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs)
    • Impact for Client Accts - Sept. release would require manual work (Avg. 450 requests/month) - Unacceptable.
    • Automation will become available with IAM solution (Release 1 ~FY14 Q3).
  • Access Requests & Training (Analysis & Design) Oracle – move training to TMS, decommission XTRAIN, SciQuest, Xpress Shipping. Some manual work today will be included in new request process. Process Owners to review training requirements
  • People Lists (Analysis & Design phase) - Originally part of IAM project portfolio, solution not ready. Building with Oracle until IAM solution is ready.
  • START Replacement Training - Just-in-time, to coincide with release(s). To take place 4 weeks prior for big bang release

Project Milestones

  • Sept. - Telecom & IT requests built
  • Sept 30 - Original START release date
  • Oct. - Access requests (XTRAIN) & People Lists built?
  • 4 weeks before release - Training
  • ~FY14 Q3 (TBD) - IAM Release 1 & START Release for YaleConnect, Email alias, NetID PINs, full START service catalog?

Risks / Issues

  • New process for Access requests & Training will not be ready for Sept.
  • New process for People Lists will not be ready for Sept.
  • Email & NetID PIN Automation will not be ready for Sept.
  • Oracle Upgrade planned for Sept 21. We are currently testing START against patch (in a patched environment) and will be completed Aug. 2.


  • Modify deployment approach: phased releases vs. big bang release?
    • Sept – ITS services: pagers, telephone services, mobile devices, central campus backup, ethernet
    • If phased approach, there may be opportunities to include other Access requests such as YBT, IRES.
  • IAM
    • Enterprise Directory delivery in December 2013
    • NetAdmin functions related to YaleConnect, E-mail alias, Netid PINS delivery sometime around March 2014

Next Steps / Action Items

  • Meeting with IAM re: Access provisioning - Liz
  • IAM roadmap of deliverables - Liz
  • Integrated view of START & IAM projects - Liz & Christine
  • Move ROC presentation to 8/15 - Christine
  • Presentation to the Operating Group will be postponed - Wendy
  • Meeting with Process Owners to review access & training policies - Nancy
  • Next Steering Committee meeting (8/7) - Present recommended path for releases - Christine

Past Meetings