General Info
Scheduled for every 3 weeks to discuss the START replacement project
Call-In Info
- Dial 6-5777, (203) 436-5777 or (855) 925-3266.
- Enter Meeting ID: 60612 and #.
- Speak your name, then enter #.
Roll Call
Name |
Org |
Present |
Christine Costantino |
Wendy Battles |
Jane Livingston |
Sponsor, ITS |
() |
Ronn Kolbash |
Sponsor, SSC |
Liz Burnell |
Director, IAM |
Adriene Radcliffe |
Sponsor, ITSM |
Marc Ulan |
Sr. Director, Business systems |
() (optional) |
Please come to the meeting on time & prepared
- Project Updates
- Review wireframes & prototype
- Financial Update
- Communications Update
- Review milestones for delivery
- Issues Concerns?
Project Updates (Christine)
- Carry-over project for FY14 is in the portfolio for the officers.
- We're working closely with IAM team re: NETID PIN, YaleConnect, Email alias. For this project these will continue to be manual processes. The next project (eServices) and the next IAM proejct will convert these to automatic processes.
Review Wireframes & Prototype
Financial Update
- Resource costs through Mar '13: $96,400 of $100,000. We will be over budget as of end of April.
Communications Update (Christine on behalf of Wendy)
- Working on getting Focus groups scheduled for high-level users, ops managers for late April, early May.
- The communications plan and stakeholder analysis has been vetted.
- Will soon get started on the training plan.
Review milestones for delivery
- Plan/Analyze - 3/28 (99% complete)
- Design/Build/Test - 12/1 - 8/1
- ESS changes - 5/15
- Currently in Design and Build phases for Telecom (Mobile device, Pagers, Telephone sets & lines), Ethernet, and Central Campus Backup requests.
- Training - 8/1 - 9/30
- Deploy & Warranty - 9/1 - 9/30
Issues/Concerns -