IAM - People Lists & Roles
IAM - People Lists & Roles
Meeting with Liz, Josh, Matt, Brad, Shane, Barb, David, Bob, Christine (Feb. 21, 2013)
- START Functions - People Lists
- Processes in Blueworks
- Maintain list workflows
- Lead Admin / Ops Manager list - Nancy Scanlon & HR (Judy Offutt ?) maintains separately
- Check Data warehouse
- Need to add Ops Managers to SN (David)
- Need to find delegates for SN assignment group
- YAS / START - authorization tables
- Nancy Scanlon is the superuser for People Lists
- IAM solution = Sailpoint
- Assumption - request to maintain list will be in SN, approval SN or Sailpoint?
- Identify owners of each People List (start with Nancy & Judy)
- To-Be business processes
- Data clean-up (Matt & Barbara)
- Risk: bad data
- Interfacing - maintained and consumed