Central Campus Backup (TSM, ADSM)
Central Campus Backup (TSM, ADSM)
Meeting with Rod, Kesha, Barbara, David (Mar. 5, 2013)
- There is only 1 back-up service. TSM = ADSM (different names for the same thing)
- There is no functional owner; service owners are Sandy Boutin and Steve DeGrout
- * Need to review approvals
- Interface with provisioning (Net Admin system - Web Methods - Sailpoint)
- Back-up options:
- early vs. late
- server, desktop, laptop
- Fulfillment done at certain times of the day
- Automated provisioning, time-slot (least used assigned)
- PTAEO - 1x set-up fee, monthly recurring fee - * need to review this!
- 2 to-be processes depending on timeframe for IAM
- to PL SQL Oracle
- to Sailpoint
- Form options:
- Add
- Update PTAEO
- Delete