2012 10 October Kickoff Meeting
2012 10 October Kickoff Meeting
Meeting Date
October 23, 2012
Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Brian Wolson, Ed Kairiss, Susan Kelley
- Review Kickoff Slides
- What the Service Board will do
- This is a place where we will make decision and tee up issues which will likely be resolved by appropriate sub-teams.
- Develop a process for 360 degree review of services
- Example of a current issue - Data correction of P1 Incidents: how to handle corrections of data after the fact. What impact does this have on reports? Where to make the changes?
- Use of classic Service Management Data
- Need to do better job of data gathering, use of tool is inconsistent across orgs - we need Process Owners to help step up consistency efforts E.g., Incident Impact & Urgency is inconsistent across different groups
- Recommend CSI Projects
- Susan Kelley - Would be great to get ahead of the portfolio discussions and start a focus on CSI projects
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Jane: campus survey in January (not compete with Workplace Survey in November. Uncertain which constituency: faculty & staff only? Also students? Jane will keep us informed
- All agreed Customer Satisfaction is not just the surveys, data should be culled from sources such as hits on the web site. We also need a way to capture anecdotal information about customer satisfaction
- What the Service Board will do
- Discuss Service Ownership
- Homework - Review spreadsheet of Service Owners (to be delivered by COB) and returned within a week!
Action Items
- Homework - Ricardo will distribute the Service Ownership straw model from the web site list. Please review and get this back by end of the week.
- OFFLINE Decision Needed - Data correction of closed P1 issues - Rick Smith, Susan Kelley, Brian Wolson, (and likely Jeff Capuano) - Ricardo Chavira to facilitate
- Adriene to post notes and initial slide deck to share with group
Handouts or Presentation Materials
, multiple selections available,