2012 11 November 20 Meeting

2012 11 November 20 Meeting

Meeting Date

November 20, 2012


Members: Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Brian Wolson, Ed Kairiss, Susan Kelley, Jeff Capuano, Rick Smith, Joe Paolillo, John Jibilian, Stephanie Scungio, David Campbell

Attended: Adriene Radcliffe,  Susan West, Jane Livingston, Ed Kairiss, Jeff Capuano, Rick Smith,  John Jibilian, Stephanie Scungio


  • Review Metrics from Prior Month - Rick Smith
  • Review decision on changing Priority metrics on closed Incidents for QBR processing (action item from October)
  • Discuss/Validate Service Ownership (Homework from October session)
  • Discuss broader Service Board membership
  • Next steps of services rolling up to portfolio alignment and larger service categories, and how they relate to Strategic Committees


Monthly Metrics Review – Rick will send out the data from the last QBR as a follow to this meeting.  In the future we would be reviewing data from the prior month.

 Offline decision follow-up from October meeting – Updating closed P1 incidents with updated impact and urgency – will be handled with a service request specific to this activity.  This will allow us to track the original impact and urgency and the updated impact and urgency while changing the data at its source, which will improve long term reporting.  Adriene will follow-up with team on creating this service request

 Review of Service Management Operational metrics model (Incident, Problem, Change, Request) for Services.  We had a great discussion of the importance of this as one of the facets of a 360* review of services.  ACTION ITEM: EVERYONE to review the Service Metrics Catalog DRAFT, review and comment back to Adriene Radcliffe and Rick Smith by DECEMBER 7.  This will allow us time to review everyone’s comments and get back the final draft for validation at the December Meeting.  We agree that this information should be available for all business services, however, we should prioritize and focus first on the most important top 10 perhaps. 

 Review of the Service Owners list – we did NOT get feedback from all units, so we will do one final pass on this,  some of you indicated the changes you made were not included, so this is a good time to complete a second pass.  I have added a Service Portfolio Owners column so each direct can review their portfolio by filtering on this field.  Please review this and highlight any rows you updated in YELLOW.  Return this list to Adriene Radcliffe by DECEMBER 7 also.  [Susan K-- please note – I see your additions in my Inbox today, it is my action to add them now – thank you]

 Service Board Membership – Please submit your proposals for Service Board membership to Adriene

 Next Steps – After validating this information we will have completed a ITS Service List, and a proposed set of Service Management Metrics.  Our next area of 360* review will be Customer Satisfaction. 

Jane and Susan will lead us through Customer Satisfaction measurement in our December and January Meetings.  December will focus on the upcoming customer satisfaction survey for feedback – Susan will lead us through this.

Action Items

  1. Service Metrics Catalog DRAFT, review and comment back to Adriene Radcliffe and Rick Smith by DECEMBER 7
  2. Review of the Services and Service Owners list – back to Adriene by DECEMBER 7
  3. Submit your nominations for Service Board membership

Handouts or Presentation Materials

  File Modified

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Service Metrics Catalog DRAFT.xlsx

Nov 20, 2012 by Former user

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Service Owners - Second Draft (AR).xlsx

Nov 20, 2012 by Former user