2012 10 October Kickoff Meeting

2012 10 October Kickoff Meeting

Meeting Date

October 23, 2012


Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira, Susan West, Jane Livingston, Brian Wolson, Ed Kairiss, Susan Kelley


  • Review Kickoff Slides
    • What the Service Board will do
      • This is a place where we will make decision and tee up issues which will likely be resolved by appropriate sub-teams.
      • Develop a process for 360 degree review of services
      • Example of a current issue - Data correction of P1 Incidents: how to handle corrections of data after the fact. What impact does this have on reports? Where to make the changes? 
    • Use of classic Service Management Data
      • Need to do better job of data gathering, use of tool is inconsistent across orgs - we need Process Owners to help step up consistency efforts E.g., Incident Impact & Urgency is inconsistent across different groups
    • Recommend CSI Projects
      • Susan Kelley - Would be great to get ahead of the portfolio discussions and start a focus on CSI projects
    • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
      • Jane: campus survey in January (not compete with Workplace Survey in November. Uncertain which constituency: faculty & staff only? Also students?  Jane will keep us informed
      • All agreed Customer Satisfaction is not just the surveys, data should be culled from sources such as hits on the web site. We also need a way to capture anecdotal information about customer satisfaction
  • Discuss Service Ownership 
  • Homework - Review spreadsheet of Service Owners (to be delivered by COB) and returned within a week!

Action Items

  1. Homework - Ricardo will distribute the Service Ownership straw model from the web site list.  Please review and get this back by end of the week.
  2. OFFLINE Decision Needed - Data correction of closed P1 issues - Rick Smith, Susan Kelley, Brian Wolson, (and likely Jeff Capuano) - Ricardo Chavira to facilitate
  3. Adriene to post notes and initial slide deck to share with group 

Handouts or Presentation Materials

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Service Board.pptx Kickoff Meeting

Oct 24, 2012 by Former user