2013-01-14 Process Owners Meeting

Attendees: Ricardo Chavira, Rick Smith, Lou Tiseo, Jeff Capuano, Lori Seluga, Andrea Wolff, Julio Valdes

  • CSI - Rick Smith reviewed the CSI work he and the Incident management team have been engaged with Fruition Partners. Their work has included defining CSI metrics for Incident management, validating that that data is being collected and reported on correctly, and analyzing the data to identify areas of improvement. The combination of the CSI tool, working with Fruition (who have provided expertise and coaching), and the Yale team (both Tier 1 managers and Rick's team) has been productive. Jeff mentioned that this has lead to clarification of process and goals and they are already identifying areas where they can improve. The Incident team expects to have most of this work done in 4-6 weeks and we will ask a team member (perhaps Mark) to provide an update. Additionally, this CSI process will next be applied to Problem and Change. See attached slides for additional information.
  • Berlin upgrade notes - Ricardo reported that testing is underway, both full regression testing (from Jason Shuff's team) as well as process owners and owners of request forms in the SN service catalog. The latter group has been challenging to gather and James Rawlins has been helpful is coordinating this effort. Stakeholders are being asked to review their process or request form in the SN test instance (which has been upgraded to Berlin) and verifying that their functionality works as expected (that is, the desired function should work in Test the same as it does in Production). Current target is to finish testing by COB Friday, 1/18/13.
  • Release Roadmap (in progress) - Ricardo reported the Adriene, Lou, and Andrea have developed an RFP for Release Management. Two vendors (including SN) have responded and their proposals will be reviewed. One challenge is that SN has not typically been used for the kind of enterprise release package that Andrea works with. Andrea will come back with further updates next month.
  • CMDB update - Julio reported that the CMDB project is on track to complete Wave 2 by 3/15/13. This will include relationship definition and mapping for application inventory and designated business services (Service Management, Classes V2, HPQC); data integration from Aperture, Quickbase (for application inventory). See attached slides for additional information.