2013-02-19 Process Owners Meeting

2/19/13 Meeting Notes
Members present: Rick Smith, Jeff Capuano, Andrea Wolff, Julio Valdes, Mark Kovacs, Adriene Radcliffe, Ricardo Chavira

Adriene provided an ITSM Program update with the following information:

  • The ITSM portfolio for next year is still being developed, but is likely to include:
    • Release & SDLC
    • ITIL training - continued Foundations training for all staff; Intermediate for some staff
    • Field Service model, to be piloted by CTS
    • eServices - Request Catalog & automation/integration
    • ITSM Business Architecture
  • David Galassi will be stepping down as Request Fulfillment Process Owner. As an interim step, Ricardo will step in, pairing Request work with the Service Catalog. In the meantime, we will work out a broader strategy the links Request, Service Catalog, and eServices. 
  • Program Maturity
    • Maintenance – standard ITSM maintenance will continue as usual, including on-boarding new teams, updating provider services, assignment groups and building out our Service Request catalog. Break/fix work will also continue and has diminished. There are a few SLA tweaks we are making in terms of behavior, but otherwise we are in very good shape here.
    • The small enhancement requests coming to our support team have become more like feature requests (with the exception of proposals for new service requests).  "Can we make the tool do X" or "Can we make feature X act more like behavior Y". While we can make the ServiceNow platform do anything, this is not our prime directive as a program. In order to move forward with all the new capabilities we want to bring forward, we need to stabilize the offering we have today. This means turing off the valve on small enhancement requests. I'll need the support from the CIO directs on this. I've shopped this privately with both Russell and Jeff who are supportive. 
    • Overall, we will be seeking to engage the Process Owners further in the decision-making process surrounding major enhancements.
      Other Process news:
  • Process Owners will meet more frequently (every 3 weeks); Ricardo to update meeting invitation.
  • Since our meeting, Jeff announced that Cheryl Boeher has taken on the role of Major Incident Manager and Problem Manager and will be joining the Process Owners Group.
    Mark Kovacs - Incident Management CSI
  • Team has been working with FP to identify KPIs, validate they are the correct measures and ensure that data from ServiceNow correctly reflects process activity.
  • Customer Satisfaction is a keyKPI, but we have little to no data for this. As a result, Point of Delivery surveys will be deployed to collect customer satisfaction data.
  • Correction made in SN tracking of FPOC (first point of contact) resulted in better and more accurate numbers.
  • Staff Satisfaction is another KPI for which we have no data. This metric track 8 dimensions, including how Tier 1 staff are using the Incident process, satisfaction with tools, process, use of KB, reliability of our information, effectiveness of communications, etc.
  • Cost & Quality KPIs will both be addressed, though initial focus is on quality. Quality is weighted at 75%, Cost is 25%; this will shift over time and resource allocations will likely shift over time as well. Once stability is achieved and targets are met, cost issues will receive more attention.
  • Tier 1 ticket backlog was also addressed in various ways: resolving more work at Help Desk; shifting resources among DSP teams; focusing more on closing tickets; more closely following processes & SOPs; CSI efforts gave managers a better view of issues affecting ticket backlog, so they could more closely monitor process.

Rick Smith - CSI scorecards & Service reviews

  • The CSI scorecards present a summary of key KPIs and will provide a definition of Rock Solid Services for QBR.
  • The scorecards will also be shifted to provide a service-centric view of process KPIs that relate to a particular service.
  • Q: are all enhancements CSI efforts? Discuss amongst yourselves.