2013-11-15 Release

2013-11-15 Release








Submit change request

Open a build/test change request in https://yale.service-now.com/, assign to INF SN App Support



Schedule code review

this should happen after initial handover and before release



Initial development, pushes to test

Begin work in dev



QA, UAT in test

iterate on defects found by QA and UAT feedback; any items passing both should be moved to "Ready to Release" column



Conduct code review

Shouldn't take long, just basic validation of approach and docs



Code Freeze

By Wed AM: Identify changes & updates that have passed both testing regimes. Push to preproduction.



Regression Testing

QA group conducts regression testing in preproduction




Get approval from QA to go to production



Production deployment

Push to prd.



Production rollback

If applicable; follow ServiceNow Rollback Procedure.




clone from prd to: pre, trn, and tst for after release



Push to Test

re-push outstanding, ready work back to test



Notify stakeholders

send out email w/ summary status & link to release documentation, close out RFC and cancel clone requests, if rollback or no-go.


Change Control

ServiceNow changes for 2013-11-15 (https://yale.service-now.com/change_request_list.do?sysparm_query=GOTOshort_description%3E%3Dservicenow%5Estart_dateON2013-11-15%40javascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-15'%2C'start')%40javascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-15'%2C'end'))

Release Notes


Approved Updates

Anything applied to preprod after Monday (https://yalepreproduction.service-now.com/sys_remote_update_set_list.do?sysparm_query=commit_date%3E%3Djavascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-11'%2C'21%3A44%3A58'))

Here's the set:

Nov. 15, 2013

  • D826: Ethernet Add: SCTASK version of PTAEO is misaligned in PRE-PROD and PROD 2013/11/14 - 1
  • R1040: Retire 'Finalize YaleConnect Migration' Service Request 2013/10/29 - 9
  • R1062 - Request: Make spelling in dropdowns match. 2013/10/30 - 2
  • R808: New Catalog Item for "Request a New MOVI Svc Acct" 2013/04/29 - 6, 2013/11/06 - 6, 2013/11/06 - 7
  • D817,R808 - Quantity Drop down is not required on this Request 2013/11/12 - 2
  • D807 , R808 - Invalid email can be submitted for the request  SAME AS R808
  • R847: Ethernet Add 2013/05/07 - 1,2013/05/30 - 1,2013/05/30 - 2,2013/07/19 - 8,2013/07/24 - 4,2013/08/13 - 2
  • R895 Second time committing Contact info for telco forms: 2013/05/01 -2 (already committed), 2013/07/24 - 3, 2013/07/26 - 1, 2013/07/26 - 2
  • R1020: FINANCIAL APPROVAL WORKFLOW (THIS WILL HAVE TO BE FURTHER ADVANCED LATER, BUT MOST OF IT NEEDS TO GO NOW) 2013/09/27 - 1,2013/10/02 - 3,2013/10/07 - 3,2013/10/16 - 1,2013/10/17-5,2013/11/11 - 1,2013/11/11 - 3
  • R1099: Financial Approval Workflow One PTAEO: Attach to Ethernet Add. 2013/10/22 - 2
  • R1105: Add Ethernet - Set Upper limit = 50 2013/10/29 - 6
  • R1106: Add Ethernet - Update Delivery Time on Req Form 2013/10/29 - 7
  • R1107: Ethernet Add: Create new question on form 2013/11/04 - 2,2013/11/06 - 3,2013/11/06 - 8
  • R1108: PTAEO: Improve messaging on invalid length ORG field 2013/11/04 - 3
  • D506 - Ethernet Add New form should not show Floor variable from variable set. 2013/05/31 - 1,2013/07/24 - 4
  • D575 - Requested for broken on Ethernet Add form. 2013/07/24 - 1,2013/10/25 - 4
  • D582 - Building Data variable sets: Relabel field 2013/07/25 - 2
  • D585 & R895 - "Contact Information for telco forms" variable set needs to be retested SAME AS R895
  • D642: Ethernet Add New: Limit 'requested for' to active users. 2013/08/27 - 7
  • D732: Ethernet: Contact Info - phone number required 2013/10/23 - 3
  • D736: Financial Approval: Approval info not carried thru to SCTASK 2013/10/25 - 6
  • D740 - Fin App - Bolt member request not auto-approved. SPEC change. 2013/10/25 - 5
  • D746: Financial Approval: 5 minute timer on initial approver should not exist 2013/10/25 - 1
  • D747 - Fin App - After Initial Approver timeout, initial approver should still be able to approve request. SAME AS D746
  • D748 - Fin App - Clarification of approver states and Req Status options after initial timeout. SAME AS D746
  • D750 - FA notification (Confirmation) inaccurate text 2013/10/28 - 1,2013/10/28 - 2,2013/10/28 - 3,2013/10/29 - 4,2013/10/30 - 12
  • D751 - FA notification (Rejected) inaccurate text 2013/10/28 - 4, 2013/10/29 - 4
  • D752 - FA notification (Cancelled) inaccurate text 2013/10/29 - 4 
  • D754 - FA notification (Approved) inaccurate text 2013/10/29 - 4
  • D755 - FA notification (Resolved) inaccurate text 2013/10/29 - 4
  • D759 - FA notification (Pending Approval) inaccurate text 2013/10/29 - 4
  • D760 - Financial Approval Workflow: Approver can change approval after RITM cancellation 2013/10/30 - 8
  • D764 - Ethernet Add: IE8, Stack overflow on changing qty 2013/10/29 - 5
  • D765 - Request OPENED BY BOLT member does not auto-approve. 2013/10/29 - 3
  • D768,R841 - Request should be in the state it was originally set to be 2013/10/30 - 9
  • D771 - R1106 Update Delivery time to 10 days. 2013/10/30 - 7
  • D795: Financial Approval notifications for accept and reject firing twice. 2013/10/31 - 6

deploy order:

2013/11/14 - 1
2013/04/29 - 6
2013/05/07 - 1
2013/05/30 - 1
2013/05/30 - 2
2013/05/31 - 1
2013/07/19 - 8
2013/07/24 - 1
2013/07/24 - 3
2013/07/24 - 4
2013/07/25 - 2
2013/07/26 - 1
2013/07/26 - 2
2013/08/13 - 2
2013/08/27 - 7
2013/09/27 - 1
2013/10/02 - 3
2013/10/07 - 3
2013/10/16 - 1
2013/10/17 - 5
2013/10/22 - 2
2013/10/23 - 3
2013/10/25 - 1
2013/10/25 - 4
2013/10/25 - 5
2013/10/25 - 6
2013/10/28 - 1
2013/10/28 - 2
2013/10/28 - 3
2013/10/28 - 4
2013/10/29 - 3
2013/10/29 - 4
2013/10/29 - 5
2013/10/29 - 6
2013/10/29 - 7
2013/10/29 - 9
2013/10/30 - 2
2013/10/30 - 7
2013/10/30 - 8
2013/10/30 - 9
2013/10/30 - 12
2013/10/31 - 6
2013/11/04 - 2
2013/11/04 - 3
2013/11/06 - 3
2013/11/06 - 6
2013/11/06 - 7
2013/11/06 - 8
2013/11/11 - 1
2013/11/11 - 3
2013/11/12 - 2

That's 51 update sets. Quite a lot of work finally going into PROD. 

Manual Updates

Must manually activate the category in the PROD service catalog:

Collaboration and File Sharing