2013-11-29 Release

2013-11-29 Release








Submit change request

Open a build/test change request in https://yale.service-now.com/, assign to INF SN App Support



Schedule code review

this should happen after initial handover and before release



Initial development, pushes to test

Begin work in dev



QA, UAT in test

iterate on defects found by QA and UAT feedback; any items passing both should be moved to "Ready to Release" column



Conduct code review

Shouldn't take long, just basic validation of approach and docs



Code Freeze

By Wed AM: Identify changes & updates that have passed both testing regimes. Push to preproduction.



Regression Testing

QA group conducts regression testing in preproduction




Get approval from QA to go to production



Production deployment

Push to prd.



Production rollback

If applicable; follow ServiceNow Rollback Procedure.




clone from prd to: pre, trn, and tst for after release



Push to Test

re-push outstanding, ready work back to test



Notify stakeholders

send out email w/ summary status & link to release documentation, close out RFC and cancel clone requests, if rollback or no-go.


Change Control

ServiceNow changes for 2013-11-29 (https://yale.service-now.com/change_request_list.do?sysparm_query=GOTOshort_description%3E%3Dservicenow%5Estart_dateON2013-11-29%40javascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-29'%2C'start')%40javascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-29'%2C'end'))

Release Notes


Nov 29, 2013


  • R931 - Telephone Services Delete (including FA) 2013/06/04 - 2, 2013/06/04 - 3, 2013/06/07 - 2, 2013/06/18 - 3, 2013/07/17 - 1, 2013/07/19 - 7, 2013/08/27 - 8
  • R992 - Mobile Device Plan Delegated Maintenance 2013/07/03 - 1
  • R994 Mobile Device: Delete 2013/07/19 - 2
  • R1111: Mobile Delete: Associate Financial Approval Workflow to Request Form 2013/11/11 - 4
  • R1122: Associate Financial Approval Workflow with Telephone Services Delete 2013/11/22 - 2
  • D517 - Telephone Delete: Number verification fails onSubmit(). 2013/06/20 - 2
  • D574 - Telephone Delete: date validation issues 2013/07/31 - 6, 2013/11/22 - 6
  • D589 - Mobile Device Delete. Wrong assignment group. 2013/07/31 - 10
  • D623: Delete Mobile Device. Phone number issues, and date issues. 2013/08/19 - 3
  • D636: Telephone Services Delete: Validate the end date more 2013/08/27 - 2
  • D673 - Telephone Delete: Requested for not indicated as required field. 2013/10/15 - 2
  • D674 - Delete Telehone request - date picker used but system reports error- invalid date. 2013/11/05 - 5
  • D694 - Delete Mobile Device - Date picker errors with valid date. 2013/11/06 - 2
  • D695 - Delete Telephone services has an extra title bar.2013/10/15 - 3
  • D854: Telephone Delete: Missing Notification in Gmail on Escalation. No update set for this one. It was spurious behavior that fixed itself.
  • D855 - R994 Mobile device delete: date picker allows yesterday as valid date. 2013/11/22 - 5


update sets:


2013/06/04 - 2
2013/06/04 - 3
2013/06/07 - 2
2013/06/18 - 3
2013/06/20 - 2
2013/07/03 - 1
2013/07/17 - 1
2013/07/19 - 2
2013/07/19 - 7
2013/07/31 - 6
2013/07/31 - 10
2013/08/19 - 3
2013/08/27 - 2
2013/08/27 - 8
2013/10/15 - 2
2013/10/15 - 3
2013/11/05 - 5
2013/11/06 - 2
2013/11/11 - 4 
2013/11/22 - 2 
2013/11/22 - 5
2013/11/22 - 6 


Manual deploy:


Go to Scheduled Import. Force the import for MobileDevicePlans. Watch progress and confirm it completes without error. This populates the mobile device plans.
Check on the Service Catalog. In PROD, nothing in the category Phones and Cable TV should be visible. In PRE-PROD, we should see Pager subcategory, Mobile Device Delete, and Telephone Services Delete. 


Approved Updates

Anything applied to preprod after Monday (https://yalepreproduction.service-now.com/sys_remote_update_set_list.do?sysparm_query=commit_date%3E%3Djavascript%3Ags.dateGenerate('2013-11-25'%2C'21%3A44%3A58'))

Manual Updates

Anything that the deployer must do manually (outside of update sets) to complete the deployment as it was done in test and preproduction.