What are the restrictions for TryIT?

What are the restrictions for TryIT?


What are the restrictions for TryIT?


TryIT is meant to be an easy way to get a server in Spinup without needing a COA. As such it's subject to certain limitations:

  • Users can only have 1 TryIT server at a time.

  • Server size is limited to micro or small.

  • The server will be automatically deleted after 30 days, unless you tell us that you still want it. You do this by clicking on the link in the reminder email sent out a week before expiration or by going to your server page and clicking the Renew button. This will reset the clock to allow another 30 days. There is no limit to how many times you renew.

  • There is no way to manage disks, e.g. to add a second disk or expand the size of the existing one.

  • There is no way to change the type of server, e.g. to add more CPU or memory.

You can remove those limitations at any time by clicking the "Upgrade server" button on your server page. This will convert the TryIT server to a regular one. You'll need to add a valid COA to your space first.

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