2012-07-19 Release

2012-07-19 Release


This release includes added functionality from deferred or new requirements affecting multiple modules. Several defect fixes are also included.

Release Notes



Detail is provided in the description. Full implementation detail is captured in the update set, which can be viewed (with admin rights) by drilling down into the links.

Approved Updates

Update Set (Original Names)


ITSM Coach Navigation

Requirement 608 - CSIaaS - changes related to "CSI as a service" functionality. (QA for this was done by reporting team)

2012/07/09 - 3

Defect 347 - Reports: Do Not Allow the users to set the Active Flag manually

2012/07/09 - 4

Defect 342 - Incident: Incident SLAs not calculating properly

  • added holidays to SLA Calendar through 2015-01-01

2012/07/10 - 1

Defect 341: Problem Management - Open Problems View

  • modify filter for open problems based on state, not just active

2012/07/10 - 2

Defect 337: Email Notification contains wrong text

  • The email should not say "Ticket update from the additional comments field".
  • It should contain the text of the comment that was entered into the additional comments field.

2012/07/10 - 3

Requirement 605 - System: disable LDAP for ServiceNow API calls

(n/a, manual)

Requirement 579 - KB: Extend the role of report scheduler to process managers/owners

06/14/2012 - 2

Defect 340 - KB: sub tickets that have kb articles generated from it don't link

06/14/2012 - 3

Defect 323 - Request: Remove Item Description field from RITM and add Variable Description (ESS View)

Deferred Updates

Update Set (Original Names)



Requirement 593 - (CHG0000994) CMDB: Provide DSP Access to update Contracts table

2012/07/08 - 4

Requirement 575 - Change: make actual start/end dates mandatory prior to change closure.

  • add business rule to make these fields mandatory in the implementation phase

2012/07/08 - 3

Requirement 573 - Change: add Application Change for Release functionality

  • add boolean Application Change for Release field to change_request form
  • if enabled & prior to CAB approval, make parent change a required field (per new UI Policy)

2012/07/07 - 5

Requirement 377 - Change: replace CI on Change Task screen w/ Affected Component

  • replace Configuration Item with Affected Component on Change Task form
  • default value of Affected Component should be that of parent change

2012/07/07 - 2

Requirement 565 - Change: remove Assessment Conditions Code drop-down

  • remove assessment code field from the change form
  • comment out code in business rules which references the removed field
  • disable UI policy that references the removed field

2012/07/08 - 1

Requirement 536 - Change: add new Change Task type of Review * this requirement as originally stated was looking for ad hoc approvals which might have caused problems for Configuration/Change process in the future. Now people
will be able to create/assign change tasks to have people review changes, but approval ultimately resides with the CI owner.

2012/07/07 - 4

Requirement 564 - Change: add a 'CAB Approval Required' boolean field

  • add u_cab_approval_required (not sure if this is redundant w/ u_advisory)
  • add u_cab_approval to Change form as 'CAB Approval Required'
  • add a Data Policy 'CAB Approval Required' which sets that field to read-only if type is significant or major
  • add a Client Script 'Update CAB Approval Required' to recalculate that field if the type field changes

2012/07/07 - 1

Requirement 556 - Change: schedule end dates must be after start dates

  • add business rule 'Validate Schedule Dates' to change_request table
  • fires before insert/update

2012/07/08 - 2

Requirement 434 - Change: display the approval type in the related list of approvals in change_request

  • add a read-only shadow field to sys_approver called "u_approval_type"
  • add a business rule 'Set Approval Type for Change Approvals' which copies wf_activity.name to the u_approval_type field upon insert
  • add this field to the form layout in the related list in the change request form

2012/07/09 - 1

Requirement 553 - Change, Reports: CAB Calendar View - add a highlight by change type