2012-09-23 Release

2012-09-23 Release


This release primarily involves:

  • ESS portal modifications related to new Yale website release


Time until release:

Unknown macro: {html}

<script language="JavaScript">
TargetDate = "09/23/2012 9:00 PM";
BackColor = "white";
ForeColor = "navy";
CountActive = true;
CountStepper = -1;
LeadingZero = true;
DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds.";
FinishMessage = "It is finally here!";
<script language="JavaScript" src="http://scripts.hashemian.com/js/countdown.js"></script>

Change Control

CHG0003364 (was rolled back)
CHG0003486 (redux, w/ fixes for detected regression)

***Important note: Because of the previous rollback, I had to do two things:

  • export/import tables from staging to prod: menu_section, content_block_menu, content_css, content_theme, content_page
  • examine all previews and resolve update set collisions caused by these imports by setting to "commit" instead of "skip"

...this is an SOP for ServiceNow update sets which are being reapplied after a roll-out, since the opposite of INSERT_OR_UPDATE can be DELETE. DELETEd records have to be restored via the export/import.

Release Notes



Detail is provided in the description. Full implementation detail is captured in the update set, which can be viewed (with admin rights) by drilling down into the links.


Requirement (Original Names)

Functional Tested?

QA Tested?

Dev Status Notes






ESS: Create single sign on authentication to https://yale.service-now.com/essESS: Create single sign on authentication to https://yale.service-now.com/ess





ESS: Header Modification "Modify the existing stock ESS Header: Insert the Yale ITS Logo, Remove/hide the Help Desk Chat icon, Remove the 'What's New' link next to the logged in user's name in the top right





ESS: Modify top navigation bar. Order of items in the Nav bar from left to right is Home: My Tickets, My Preferences, How-Tos. Hide/remove 'Order Things' in the Navigation bar, Hide My Approvals (this will be used in the future, do not remove, just hide). How-Tos should not have a sub menu but should direct link to http://its.yale.edu/how-to Add 'My Preferences' to the Navigation bar.
Clicking 'My Preferences' should take you to /ess/profile.do
Clicking 'My Tickets' should take you to the ESS home page /ess





ESS: Modify the Main Page. Hide the current boxes 'Order Things', 'Knowledge' and 'Get Help'. Add a combined view that contains INCIDENTS and REQUEST ITEMS content block below the Navigation bar that show the logged in person's data:
combined view should show 'Short description', 'Opened', 'Number'. Sorted by alphabetical order of 'Number' field. Clicking on any ticket in self service should display the ticket in a window styled like this: https://projects.yale.edu/ITS506/Project%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=https%3a%2f%2fprojects%2eyale%2eedu%2fITS506%2fProject%20Documents%2fSiteSkinningCSSFiles&FolderCTID=0x01200069438C30116D8F4A835D999C65CBD6CE"





ESS: Match nav bar blue to production blue style. Match nav bar blue to production blue style.





ESS: Hide left nav content blocks on My Preferences Screen. Hide left nav content blocks (example My Requests, My Recent Updates, Current issues) on My Preferences Screen (the screen that allows the user to see their data and change notification preferences).





ESS: New Incident Button should be hidden from the User's view. If the button cannot bring up this New Incident (Something Broken) screen then then button should be hidden from the user's view.





ESS: Logo should go to ITS home page its.yale.edu





ESS: Enhance ticket drill down. Clicking on any ticket in self service should display the ticket in a window WHICH HAS The same TOP NAV as the HOME PAGE but styled like this: https://projects.yale.edu/ITS506/Project%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=https%3a%2f%2fprojects%2eyale%2eedu%2fITS506%2fProject%20Documents%2fSiteSkinningCSSFiles&FolderCTID=0x01200069438C30116D8F4A835D999C65CBD6CE

Approved Updates

Update Set (Original Names)


2012/08/30 - 1

ESS: First set for changes to ESS. * modify logo * disable chat * reorder guages (actually put them back where they were) * remove headline text * change menu block to two widgets *revising text in the widgets * got to the point of finishing the left widget of two widgets on the front portal page

2012/08/31 - 3

ESS: Work on ESS portal. *removed whats new from portal header *links to testing module for trying to get sctasks and incidents on the front page of portal *new version of Yale logo *skinned icons to menu subitems

2012/09/04 - 1

ESS: Changes to header menus. Also put incidents and request on the first page of the portal. Also re-enabled chat.

2012/09/04 - 3

Requirement 634 - ESS: enable SSO for the portal homepage

2012/09/04 - 4

ESS: Fixing the button to menubar "My tickets" to link back to the incidents and requests page.

2012/09/05 - 1

ESS: Attempting to make a private, logged in reflector page to work around the SAML / SSO / redirect problems we've had. It doesn't work, but I tried. Also made minor modifications to the menu item names on the navbar.

2012/09/06 - 1

ESS: Changes to attempt to theme the self-service modules; I'm rather confident this will also change the non-ESS modules, and we will have to back it out. Here goes.

2012/09/06 - 3

Requirement 634 - ESS: Fix for SAML to do deep linking fix for ESS (but probably fixes lots of deep linking).

2012/09/07 - 1

ESS: Rolling back the silly broken theme. Applied a new setting to create a panko theme and apply to portal front page. having difficulty getting it to apply to my preferences. Probably going to have to build my preferences page from scratch. grrr.

2012/09/07 - 3

ESS: Fixing the "My Preferences" section to hide the left side content blocks. Also styled it with the PankoCSS. Also reduced the extraneous columns in the main portal page, although it is still not as requested.

2012/09/09 - 1

ESS: Killing the footer, because it's in the way after CSS-ification.

2012/09/10 - 1

ESS: Trying to hide breadcrumbs and new button on incident and request modules. Also toggled chat feature back off on front page. This broke CSS.

2012/09/10 - 2

ESS: Removing the footer entirely.

2012/09/11 - 1

ESS: Changes to load CSS directly into SN from the remote load page for Ken Panko. Also rename a menu item. Also load the search icon from localhost.

2012/09/11 - 2

ESS: Changes to toggle back to external Panko CSS pull; this will re-break chrome and IE.

2012/09/13 - 1

ESS: Probably going to modify CSS today; going to also try to track down the javascript setting an iframe at 315px. Also ended up building a gauge for the front-page, which made my javascript sillyness moot.

2012/09/14 - 1

ESS: Changes to flip the four-item menu back to three menus, and restore the gauge for the combined incidents and requests.

2012/09/21 - 3

ESS: Fixing the broken view for tasks.

  • note that this isn't completely working, because you can't filter on RITM stage, and RITM state is not accurate in our instance (open does not imply stage=completed). But since request (top-level) has no description, we will keep it like this and plan to fix RITM behavior & history in the near future.

2012/09/21 - 5

ESS: Fixing bleeding of portal CSS into main UI.

2012/09/21 - 4

ESS: Stripping out the CSS module that damaged other parts of Service Now. Deleted the original CSS module. Copied Ken Panko's remote CSS file, put it on radar, but that's not a tenable solution going forward.

2012/09/22 - 1

ESS: Fixing the broken view for tasks.

  • correctly dot-walk request items to filter on stage
  • task change (global) change default sort order to be by opened_at, then number

2012/09/22 - 2

ESS: Move stylesheet back to being local. Had put it external while debugging problem that was really SSORedirect bug.

Manual Updates
  • Requirement 635 - the ITS logo needs to be hand-installed:
    • As an admin: left-nav, content management, blocks, headers, Portal - Header.
    • click [Update] in Logo: field and upload the ITS header image.
  • General: after the update sets are pushed, in the Post-Clone Script, modify the email override URL property to exclude SSORedirect, then and run the post-clone script on the instance.