2012-08-30 Requirements and Notes

2012-08-30 Requirements and Notes

Discussion of basic requirements - starting with base url  https://yale.service-now.com/ess

The view in ESS should be customer perspective/facing.  

  1. Remove help desk chat link on top right of ESS main screen 
  2. Top Nav Bar 
    1. Order Things  (must verify with Jane that it stays - her picture shows it although she said remove it from the NAV)
    2. Keep Knowledge on Nav Bar but have it go to:   its.yale.edu/how-to
    3. Rename "Get Help" to "My Tickets"
      1. ROUND 2 REQUIREMENT Under "My Tickets" add a link for "Ticket Notification Preferences" - have that link to the "Notification Preferences" which is currently under "My Profile" in the platform view
    4. Remove My Approvals
  3. Change out logo - new logo is attached to this document (see attachment link at the top)
  4. Order things NAV
    1. http://its.yale.edu/software-and-recommendations/buying-guide
    2. http://its.yale.edu/software-and-recommendations
    3. http://its.yale.edu/services
  5. Would like both incidents and requests (just open tickets + 90 days closed) sequence is incidents followed by Requests
  6. Fields to show (see diagram) Short Description, Date Opened, Ticket number
    1. Drill down on ticket - remove left nav "Common Questions" 
    2. Leave Current Issues
    3. Leave My Recent Updates

Style sheets are located at: https://projects.yale.edu/ITS506/Project%20Documents/SiteSkinningCSSFiles

When not logged into CAS - you get the ldap login - need to force this to SAML

NOTE - Chloe and Ade moving requirements into HPQC will export for Dave and also for Jane to sign off