Brio tips
Concat Names
Show Timestamp as Date data type
Convert Timestamp to character string as mm/dd/yyyy (TO_CHAR)
Convert Integer to Character to use in Substring Function (CAST)
Options Datatype setting must be set to (String) for proper result
Extract 2 character Year from date and format as YYYY as an integer
Calculate Age
To add a fixed value to result field using "if" condition
To hide a result field for example age
To Unhide hidden fields
To Unhide hidden fields
To see properties for Computed Items
Example of Computation to identify rows where tuition records are missing from Banner Query 1 Result Set. This technique is used because Brio does not allow for Exception Joins
To view expanded data layout drag side bar of layout above anchored window and expand window top or bottom borders. To anchor Data Layout view back double click on solid blue Data Layout header.
Process used in F&ES Report Card BRIO to identify the question types to show rating results for.
Select on and delete Type field from Report Group line.
Under Elements for query results, select Type field and drag/drop onto Report Group line. The Type choices should now appear in the body of the report.
Select Type(s) to be removed from the report layout view. (Need to select only 1 of each type to be removed)
Select Hide from the report menu option.
Select remaining type(s) to be kept from the report layout view and hit the Delete key.