Brio in 4 Steps

Brio in 4 Steps

BrioQuery Queries in Four Easy Steps

BrioQuery is a reporting tool used for querying Banner data. Executing an existing query does not require technical knowledge about the Banner database, although it is helpful to be familiar with your data and any codes that are used.
Most Brio queries reside on the SFAS Banner Library on the N drive. Before attempting to run a Brio, be sure you have Banner access and that your PC has been set up with an "OCE" file for connecting to the database. These connection files are stored under each user's "My Documents" folder: e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\jsr44\My Documents\Brio\Open Catalog Extensions
This access is normally automatic when the Banner ID is established.

Step 1. Open the Query
There are two methods to open a "brio." You can open the file directly or go into BrioQuery 9 from the YAMS menu and open a file from within the software application.
1. Open a brio by double-clicking on the file
itself (the file type will be bqy).


2. From the YAMS menu:
a. double click on Student Administrative Applications
b. double click on BrioQuery 9 to open the application

For more information on opening BrioQuery files, see Appendix A.
Once the query is open, you will see that BrioQuery is a Windows-based application with menus and task bars similar to earlier versions of Word or Excel. Note the Title bar, menu bar and toolbars below:

  • The Title bar contains the name of the query
  • The menu bar contains commands.
  • Icons represent typical file actions such as saving, opening a file, or printing.

Step 2. Execute the Query
When the brio opens, click on the Process button to start the query.

You will see a pop-up window asking you to log into the data base. Ban1 is the production system and Ban2 is for training or testing. If the correct database doesn't display, click on Select to change the .oce file to be used.
Enter your Yale NetID and your Banner password:

Click on OK or hit the Enter key.

If there are items that may change depending on who is running the query, you will be prompted to select a value or values. For example, most general purpose student or course brios prompt for the term.
In the pop-up window, click on the value you need, then click on OK

You can also enter a value directly by typing it intothe input box. Click on OK.

  • To select multiple values, click on the first value, then hold down the Shft key and click on the last value. This selection will pull data for six terms.

  • To select multiple, non-contiguous, values click on the first value and then hold down the Ctrl key and select the other values. This selection will pull data for Fall terms only.

Step 3. View the Results

Brio accesses the data from the Banner database and displays it as rows and columns in the Results section.
A "Notes" section often contains documentation about the brio.

The Brio you are running may have one or more reports, such as pivot tables (Pivot section) or formatted reports (Report section). Some sections may be named.
Click on the tab under Sections to switch from one section to another.

From the Results section, you can further filter the rows or sort them.
Step 4. Print or Export the Results
You may print any of these reports using either the File/Print pull-down menu
or the Print icon.

HINT: Before you print, preview the results to see how many pages will be printed. Use caution when printing because results sets can be quite large.

Export Results to Excel
Brio results are easily exported to Excel from any of the Results tabs.
Under the File pull-down menu, select Export, then Section.

In the Export Section pop-up window, select the Drive/folder and give the file a name. (The default file type in BrioQuey 9 is Microsoft Office 2000 HTML.) Change the file type to Excel (extension .xls). To create a .pdf, select file type .pdf.

You will get a message at the bottom of the Brio that the results have been exported. Open the file in Excel (or Adobe) to view the exported file.
Appendix A. Opening a Brio Query file.
Opening a Brio query file is similar to opening any file in any Windows-based product.
1) From within Brio Query you would do the following:
OR Click on the File Open icon
Click on File,
then Open.

2) For existing SFAS Brios, look for shared Brio files on the N: drive:
N:\SFAS\Banner\Admissions (for Admissions Brios)
N:\SFAS\Banner\Registration (for student/registration/graduation Brios):
The file extension is .bqy. Double-click on the Brio file name to Open the file within BrioQuery:

3) If you Open BrioQuery from YAMS, you will be in the BrioQuery environment. From here you can create a new file (use Create a New Document) or Browse for an existing file (Open an existing file). Recently run brios will display in a list:

HINT: Most users find it more convenient to Open an existing BrioQuery using a shortcut. This will open BrioQuery and the file itself in one step.

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