


A PIN is used to set/reset the password on netid account.


Generate PIN Request item is used by end users to request a PIN be processed.


This is a service provided by the IAM team.  I am not sure where the service itself is documented, but it's pretty simple.

Generate PIN REST Message

A single GET request exists.  It accepts requestor_netid, netid and start_date(MM-DD-YYYY) as query parameters.  It returns a PIN and a date which it is valid to.


The workflow behind the RITM is called RITM_GENERATE_PIN.  It uses the non-financial approvers workflow to process approvals.

Business Rule

The Display PIN & ValidityEndDate business rule on the sc_req_item table will display the PIN and the validity date back to the user and other authorized parties after the request is complete.


Yale - Pin Widget displays the PIN information on the request item on the portal.

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