2012-11-08 Release

2012-11-08 Release


This release primarily involves:

  • Schema changes for task in order to unify client reporting
  • SOAP permissions changes for reporting
  • Updates to the VMWare SC request
  • Various filter/query/gauge fixes
  • Labeling/info text customizations







Identify release date

see Release Calendar



Schedule cloning

clone from prd to: pre, trn, and tst for after release; https://hi.service-now.com/



Schedule code review

this should happen after initial handover and before release



Submit change request

Open a build/test change request in https://yale.service-now.com/, assign to INF SN App Support



Start release document

Copy from template ServiceNow Release YYYY-MM-DD



Requirements freeze

Curate, then freeze requirements, providing estimates for each using estimator spreadsheet or equivalent



Build phase work

Begin work in dev



Unit tests

Ensure all pushed to tst & unit tested



Initial code freeze

Hand over initial requirements list for functional & QA validation in tst



Conduct code review

Shouldn't take long, just basic validation of approach and docs



Defect fixes

Iterative follow-up work in dev, test for defect resolution



Finalize release

Identify changes & updates that are going/not going. Push to pre.



Final code freeze

Hand over final requirements list for functional & QA validation, w/ regression, in pre




Decide to push to production.



Production deployment

Push to prd.



Production rollback

If applicable; follow ServiceNow Rollback Procedure.



Notify stakeholders

send out email w/ summary status & link to release documentation, close out RFC and cancel clone requests, if rollback or no-go.




Deliver target/actuals using estimator spreadsheet or equivalent


Change Control


Release Notes



Detail is provided in the description. Full implementation detail is captured in the update set, which can be viewed (with admin rights) by drilling down into the links.


Requirement/Defect (Original Names)

Functional Tested?

QA Tested?

Dev Status Notes


Defect 332



(error) conflicts w/ previous requirement

Change: When you change the location on a Change it defaults back to the original location. Re-creation steps:

  • Open a Change
  • Change the location
  • Save the Change (I clicked 'save and stay')
  • The location reverts back to the way it was before you saved the change

Defect 346



FRU fix in test

Incident: The view in the personal filter for incidents doesn't stay personalized - see attachment
I have a personal filter for Incidents and I have adjusted the columns the way that I like them. When you hit the refresh for the personal filter (top right hand side of filter) the view changes to the way I like it. When you move off of the filter to say open incidents and then back to the home page the view is no longer the way I had it set. I have verified that this happens for Julio Valdes as well.

Defect 353



FRU fix in test

Priority 1 Incident Scroller Widget (on homepage) has incorrect data, probably due to filtering based on Active instead of Incident State. Priority 1 Incident Scroller Widget (on homepage) has incorrect data, probably due to filtering based on Active instead of Incident State.

Defect 354



FRU fix in test

Closed knowledge Submissions (SUBs) show up as open in queues and views. Reported via Incident INC0030525 by John Guidone. See attached screenshots.

Defect 362



(error) This is too vague.

Queries are sometimes showing closed items when Active = True. When the query is set for active = items that are in closed or resolved status should not show up in this query.

  • Sounds as if some of these work properly because Bill has changed them however some still need to be fixed.

Defect 365



(tick) confirmed, this gauge needs additional conditions

The gauge 'Unassigned Work (MY Groups)' queue shows closed/resolved tickets. I have documented that this is happening with Incidents and Changes however I suspect it's happening with Problems, Tasks, etc as well. Some tickets did not get assigned before closure and these tickets are still showing up in the gauge. See attached screenshots.

Defect 366



(error) report is active=true, state=open, which is wrong. Problems have a separate state field of "Problem State".

Report created for Active Problems shows closed Problems. See attached screenshot. Reported by Neha. This seems to be part of a larger issue where closed tickets showing up in 'open ticket' queues and views.

Defect 371



FRU fix in test... although this is classic bikeshedding. This is platform behavior – this is merely an issue of taste.

When submitting an ESS ticket strange text shows up at the top of the screen. See attached screenshot. Please remove the text "This incident was opened for your request. The IT department will contact you if they need any further information. You can track status from the Homepage.

Defect 372



(tick) Probably valid. Again, screenshot is not a substitute for prosaic description. Which user is this? Don't make me open the screenie to find out. (table is sysapproval_group)

Closed Complete Group Approvals showing up in 'My Group's Work' Query. I go into ServiceNow and click on 'My Group's Work' query under the Service Desk queue and 'closed complete' GAPRV000000 tickets show up in there. See attached screenshot.

Defect 602



(tick) OK, but asking for SN advice to make sure we're not going down a rabbit hole

Cross Modules: Client information is different for each module. Please make it consistent for querying and reporting.
Module - Field Name/Label
Incident - Client
Problem - Problem Requestor
Change - Requested By
Currently in each process there is a field to log the client (Incident), Requested for (Requested Item), Requested By (problem and change), when doing consolidated report from te task table we have to pull information from 4 different fields making the report more complex. Is it possible to log information from each process in the parent "TASK"" table in one single field.
We understand that the data that is in the system will not be copied over for the tickets that have been created earlier, but if this implemented earlier it's better for tickets created going forward.
Would also like to be able to see client/contact in the 'My Work' queues. They are available in each module (as they are different fields) but would like to be able to see them in the tasks table.

Requirement 647



(tick) OK

System: SOAP Access for selected SN tables - Jim McKay (and likely other Metrics/QA folks) need to have read-only access to the following tables using SOAP.

Requirement 658



(error) rejected, bikeshedding & bad practice

All Modules: Additional Comments Change text from 'Additional Comments (Customer visible)' to 'Additonal Comments (Customer Visible, text will be emailed to contact). This box for update can be found in Incident and SCTASK and other modules.

Requirement 670



FRU fix in test

Request: Infrastructure Request for VM Enhancement "Enhancement for Request for new VM:
1. Make all the fields required except NIC2, Disk2, Template, and Additional Comments
2. Add "- None -" as default to the Template drop down
3. Add OS version field and have drop down same as Options Guest OS Version
4. Add Option "- Not listed, please note it in Additional Comments field -" to end of drop down for NIC1
and NIC2
5. change "Contact for this VM"" to ""VM Owner/contact"
6. change "Virtual CPUs" to "CPUs"
7 - "Template to be deploymed" behavior. When RHEL_Kickstart_Template or RHEL5_Kickstart_Template is selected - display an additional field (single select from dropdown) named OS Version and allow values of:
(default value for this field is RHEL 6 64 BIT)

Requirement 651




Reporting: Rick Smith and his Team need access to additional SN tables used for CSI.
Here are the total table names for the tables used by reports in SN. There is also a pivot table report called: "Reports and tables" in the Report View section of the MGT Metric and Quality Assurance group reports which you can review for more detail.
Copy of the requested fields: change_request, change_task, cmdb_ci, cmdb_ci_computer, cmn_department, cmn_location, core_company, fsm_service_order, incident, incident_metric, incident_sla, kb_feedback, kb_knowledge, kb_use, problem, problem_metric, release_feature, release_project, release_task, sc_cat_item, sc_req_item, sc_request, sc_task, survey_response, sys_update_xml, sys_user, sys_user_grmember, sys_user_group, sys_user_has_role, sys_user_role, syslog_client_trans_det, syslog_client_transaction, task, task_sla, task_survey, task_survey_detail, task_time_worked, ts_query_kb, u_cmn_division, u_cmn_organization, u_it_business_service, u_it_provider_service, u_it_provider_service

Requirement 624



FRU fix in test

General System: Can we get a Query, perhaps under the Service Desk Module, that shows us our Watched Tickets "Create a query under the Service Desk module that shows all open tickets where the person is in the watch list. Bread crumbs should allow the person to see all tickets they are watching (this will give them the ability to see closed tickets if they wish). Call the query 'My Watched Tickets'.

Requirement 665



FRU fix in test

SCTask: Track in the activity log in the ticket when the status has changed. Currently the status change from Open to Work in Progress to Closed complete is not captured in the activity log of the ticket. It should be captured.

Requirement 468





  • Hide the Introduction field
  • Make sure the Introduction field is not required
  • Copy the introduction field to the top of the text field for the current KN articles.
Approved Updates

Update Set (Original Names)




...these are examples. The important things:

  • link to the updates sets
  • make sure you're pointing to the production links, as those are canonical and more or less guaranteed to persist.
Manual Updates
  • Defect 354 - filter on active=true and state contains closed, then toggle the states to trigger the new rule.
  • Defect 372 - make stale sysapproval_group records active=false
  • Requirement 647, Requirement 651 - create s_metrics user, share password w/ James McKay. Grant soap_query and csi_readonly roles; Add to ITIL, CSI, METRICS_ADM, and SERVICE_Desk_Analyst groups
  • Requirement 468 - script to prepend intro_text to text
    // naive - many records already have the intro text, or something like it, in the text. 
    // so not sure if this is a good idea. will check w/ dorothy before pulling trigger.
    var gr = new GlideRecord('kb_knowledge');
    while(gr.next()) {
        var n = gr.intro_text + '\n' + gr.text;
        gr.text = n;