Summary of Requests and Actions

Summary of Requests and Actions


1. Can a 'request' expose the CI to provide more focus? It was suggested that this functionality already exists under ‘incident’ help.

2. There needs to be a validation process of the Application relationships with the business.

3. Requested that the client sees some meaningful field (suggested Business services) in read only format next to CI change.

4. Add report users as an audience to the stake holder analysis.(??)


1. The CMDB team to develop a communication for the process owners to use to communicate to their clients.

2. The Knowledgebase articles will have to be re-classified. (How many?)

3. There needs to be an effective conversion process. Including;

How do we change from Production to Non production environments?

How do we convert tickets that are already open when we convert the data?

4. What are the current key reporting metrics – how do we measure that the process is more effective? What key reports are currently used for reporting statistics?

5. Need to document the process flow of ticket status. Use case for status changes.

6. There needs to be a demonstration of the business service map in 2 to 3 weeks to process owners (from 042213 meeting)

7. Does the assignment group change each time we have a CI?


1. Currently, when a ticket is ‘on hold’ an email gets sent to the client. It was agreed that if we change the CI then the client does not get notified.