COA Validator Service Changes - 7/18/2018
These changes were deployed to Production on 7/18/2018: A new version of the COA Validator REST service which is now available in Test and Production. The new version is in response to a request to remove the SOAP envelope from the REST response. This is a major version change (v2) which means the service endpoints have changed. If you want to continue to use the original REST service containing the SOAP envelope in the response, no change is needed at this time.
If you wish to consume the new service version, the new v2 endpoints are as follows:
New Test URL
New Production URL
The original endpoints are still valid as follows:
Original Test URL
Original Production URL
Re: our Versioning Strategy. Our goal is to support no more than three service versions for a given service. This is our 2nd version of the COA Validator REST service. When the time comes, we will evaluate the impact of deprecating a particular service and give consumers plenty of notice prior to shutting down an endpoint.