Roles Service

Roles Service

Data Source:  Workday (roles) /COAHub / People Hub (identifiers/name)

This service will query for an organization or multiple organizations and provide you with the roles associated. The XML/JSON response will be by person, not by role or org. For each distinct role+employee match, there will be 1 <Role> loop. For example, employee 10780 has 3 roles in the same Cost Center, so he will come as 3 <Role> nodes, 1 for each role he has.

To Request Access: Request access to COA Validator/Segment Service/COA Integration Hub (includes Roles)

GetRoles Service Contract: GetRoles_v1.xlsx






Parameters: These can be added in any amount, all can be used, just one, or any combination of them. However, at least 1 required parameter value must be used for this service. To use multiple parameters place "&" in between the parameter names. You are restricted to which Roles you may see you must pass one of the Role parameter values.

You are required to enter one of these parameters:

Option A:

role= (Ex. Cost Center Manager)

Option B:

roleid= (Ex. cost_center_manager)

You are may optionally enter any of these parameters:



type=  (Ex. Cost_Center, Supervisory)

code= (Ex. CC0001)

You may send this parameter with any set of options to receive the response in json instead of XML:



Batch for Cost Center Manager (limit by role)-

https://gw-dev.its.yale.edu/soa-gateway/COAHub/v1/GetRoles?role=Cost Center Manager

One Supervisory Org-


One Supervisory with One Role-

https://gw-dev.its.yale.edu/soa-gateway/COAHub/v1/GetRoles?code=SO100113&role=Business Partner

One Cost Center in JSON-


One Supervisory Org with One Role in JSON-

https://gw-dev.its.yale.edu/soa-gateway/COAHub/v1/GetRoles?code=CC0119&outputformat=json&role=Cost Center Financial Analyst

Orgs for One person and One Role:

https://gw-dev.its.yale.edu/soa-gateway/COAHub/v1/GetRoles?role=Cost Center Manager&netid=cf394

Example XML:

Example Response
      <Nm>FASPHY Physics Research Unit</Nm>
      <RoleNm>Cost Center Financial Analyst</RoleNm>
      <WorkerNm>Fagan, Pauline A</WorkerNm>

Example JSON:

Example Response
  "Roles": {
    "Header": {
      "Count": "1",
      "Version": "1.0"
    "Role": {
            "RoleNm": "Business Partner",
            "Nm": "Department of Applied Physics",
            "NETID": "mac247",
            "Email": "melissa.wojciechowski@yale.edu",
            "EmpID": "81827",
            "Type": "SUPERVISORY",
            "Inactive": "0",
            "Cd": "SO100113",
            "LoadDt": "2017-05-18",
            "UPI": "12051628",
            "RoleID": "business_partner",
            "WorkerNm": "Wojciechowski, Melissa A"

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