Querying ORG table data for approvers
Querying ORG table data for approvers
On R1100, we are creating roles and groups in SN to ensure we grant My Approval widget access to people who need it.
We need a way of querying who should have that access:
var role = "u_bolt_member"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); var role = "u_head"; //////////////////////// gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); ////////////////// var role = "u_opsmgr"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total);
*** Script: querying for u_bolt_member
*** Script: total is: 7
*** Script: querying for u_head
*** Script: total is: 75
*** Script: querying for u_opsmgr
*** Script: total is: 115
Here's an attempt to converge this to a single query
var role = "u_bolt_member"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy('u_bolt_member'); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.groupBy('u_head'); gr.groupBy('u_opsmgr'); gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS //gs.print('Distinct people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); gs.print(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); var role = "u_head";
*** Script: total is: 165
This seems to be the correct total. However, I don't seem to have a reliable method to get just the unique netids out, because the appropriate element on the row we need to yank out is difficult to determine: sometimes the LA, sometimes the OM, sometimes the Bolt.
The next idea is to return to the separate queries and then try merging things using a javascript array, then make things unique in javascript. Here goes that try
var m = new Array(); var role = "u_bolt_member"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); //////////////////////// var role = "u_head"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_head; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); ////////////////// var role = "u_opsmgr"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_opsmgr; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); ///////////// gs.print('trying to flatten the array'); var arrayUtil = new ArrayUtil(); var distinct = arrayUtil.unique(m); gs.print("unique count is: " + distinct.length); distinct.sort(); gs.print(distinct.toString()); gs.print("ready for AD"); // this is programmed to remove the undefined element var ad = ''; for( var i = 0; i < distinct.length -1; i++ ) { if ( ad != '' ) { ad = ad + ';'; } ad = ad + distinct[i]; } gs.print(ad);
*** Script: querying for u_bolt_member
*** Script: total is: 7
*** Script: array count is: 7
*** Script: querying for u_head
*** Script: total is: 75
*** Script: array count is: 82
*** Script: querying for u_opsmgr
*** Script: total is: 115
*** Script: array count is: 197
*** Script: trying to flatten the array
*** Script: unique count is: 195
*** Script: ab695,ach39,ad522,aev4,alb45,amb25,apr27,as2349,as2388,as349,asgambat,aws22,baa35,bd248,beechejr,bjr4,bm92,bp254,caf2,cam49,cap9,capezzcp,cascott,cclaflin,cf394,cjb6,cjd43,cjd43,clr26,cody,crb3,cs348,dbpetros,dck26,ddh2,ddimassa,de89,dk35,dlj35,dlp4,dmcgraw,dmk8,dmm73,dmz5,dos2,dt379,dtn4,dw352,dz3,eab78,em228,emc23,esandor,fb7,ftemple,gp72,grantjr,grantjr,hb276,hmp25,hpretty,hs343,iss6,jal227,jbentley,jc728,jca35,jcrosby,jcrosby,jcs228,jd39,jdd25,jdj3,jef32,jew8,jg825,jh877,jis4,jk424,jk835,jl898,jld23,jm238,jm536,jrollins,jrw48,js2334,js2334,jt449,jw266,jwl47,jwl7,kal4,kcm4,kd259,kdb9,kf4,kg247,kjd2,km537,km653,kr5,krd7,ks584,kv86,kw248,lac88,lbc3,lds7,lefebvre,lj62,ljm33,lkw2,lms53,lr369,ls8,luanne,margmac,mbw22,mc2,mcr8,mcsmith,mcy2,md452,mf74,mg869,mgb22,mkd22,mm235,mz237,nas39,nls4,nmc3,nmd2,no43,pab22,pab23,pal36,palmeri,patience,pcoles,ped2,pf92,popolid,pp264,pv26,pwilson,ral29,rb7,rgk23,rh369,rh458,rk44,rmc22,rmc7,rro2,rs825,rsrome,sag3,sally,sandran,saz4,sbk29,sc655,scs6,sd44,sdm5,sep5,sg32,sic7,sjb52,sjl53,sjperry,sjs38,slatter,sm622,spm3,spw4,sts8,szh4,szotto,szotto,tac3,tad1,tb23,td77,tenajg,tlm26,wc6,wjl5,wp96,zit3,zl68,zmb3,
*** Script: ready for AD
*** Script: ab695;ach39;ad522;aev4;alb45;amb25;apr27;as2349;as2388;as349;asgambat;aws22;baa35;bd248;beechejr;bjr4;bm92;bp254;caf2;cam49;cap9;capezzcp;cascott;cclaflin;cf394;cjb6;cjd43;cjd43;clr26;cody;crb3;cs348;dbpetros;dck26;ddh2;ddimassa;de89;dk35;dlj35;dlp4;dmcgraw;dmk8;dmm73;dmz5;dos2;dt379;dtn4;dw352;dz3;eab78;em228;emc23;esandor;fb7;ftemple;gp72;grantjr;grantjr;hb276;hmp25;hpretty;hs343;iss6;jal227;jbentley;jc728;jca35;jcrosby;jcrosby;jcs228;jd39;jdd25;jdj3;jef32;jew8;jg825;jh877;jis4;jk424;jk835;jl898;jld23;jm238;jm536;jrollins;jrw48;js2334;js2334;jt449;jw266;jwl47;jwl7;kal4;kcm4;kd259;kdb9;kf4;kg247;kjd2;km537;km653;kr5;krd7;ks584;kv86;kw248;lac88;lbc3;lds7;lefebvre;lj62;ljm33;lkw2;lms53;lr369;ls8;luanne;margmac;mbw22;mc2;mcr8;mcsmith;mcy2;md452;mf74;mg869;mgb22;mkd22;mm235;mz237;nas39;nls4;nmc3;nmd2;no43;pab22;pab23;pal36;palmeri;patience;pcoles;ped2;pf92;popolid;pp264;pv26;pwilson;ral29;rb7;rgk23;rh369;rh458;rk44;rmc22;rmc7;rro2;rs825;rsrome;sag3;sally;sandran;saz4;sbk29;sc655;scs6;sd44;sdm5;sep5;sg32;sic7;sjb52;sjl53;sjperry;sjs38;slatter;sm622;spm3;spw4;sts8;szh4;szotto;szotto;tac3;tad1;tb23;td77;tenajg;tlm26;wc6;wjl5;wp96;zit3;zl68;zmb3
This still has duplicates in it. Boo.
Trying to squeeze out the last duplicates
function checkDuplicates(a) { //Check all values in the incoming array and eliminate any duplicates var r = new Array(); //Create a new array to be returned with unique values //Iterate through all values in the array passed to this function o:for(var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i++){ //Iterate through any values in the array to be returned for(var x = 0, y = r.length; x < y; x++){ //Compare the current value in the return array with the current value in the incoming array if(r[x]==a[i]){ //If they match, then the incoming array value is a duplicate and should be skipped continue o; } } //If the value hasn't already been added to the return array (not a duplicate) then add it r[r.length] = a[i]; } //Return the reconstructed array of unique values return r; } var m = new Array(); var role = "u_bolt_member"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_bolt_member; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); //////////////////////// var role = "u_head"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_head; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); ////////////////// var role = "u_opsmgr"; gs.print("querying for " + role); var gr = new GlideAggregate('u_cmn_organization'); //GlideAggregate query gr.addAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate (only necessary for a count of items of each OS) gr.orderByAggregate('count'); //Count aggregate ordering gr.groupBy(role); //Group aggregate by the 'os' field gr.query(); var total = 0; while(gr.next()){ var person = gr.u_opsmgr; var boltCount = gr.getAggregate('count'); //Get the count of the OS group //Print the OS name and count of items with that OS // gs.print('Distinct bolt people: ' + gr.u_head + ': ' + boltCount); var guser = new GlideRecord('sys_user'); // user query guser.addQuery('sys_id',person); guser.query(); guser.next(); var netid = guser.user_name; // gs.print(gr.u_head + " maps onto netid: " + netid); // gs.print(netid); m.push(netid); total++; } gs.print("total is: " + total); gs.print("array count is: " + m.length); ///////////// gs.print('trying to flatten the array'); var distinct = new ArrayUtil().unique(m); gs.print("unique count is: " + distinct.length); distinct.sort(); var uniquefied = checkDuplicates(m); gs.print('uniqified length: ' + uniquefied.length); gs.print(distinct.toString()); gs.print("ready for AD"); distinct = uniquefied; distinct.sort(); // this is programmed to remove the undefined element var ad = ''; for( var i = 0; i < distinct.length -1; i++ ) { if ( ad != '' ) { ad = ad + ';'; } ad = ad + distinct[i]; } gs.print(ad);
*** Script: querying for u_bolt_member
*** Script: total is: 7
*** Script: array count is: 7
*** Script: querying for u_head
*** Script: total is: 75
*** Script: array count is: 82
*** Script: querying for u_opsmgr
*** Script: total is: 115
*** Script: array count is: 197
*** Script: trying to flatten the array
*** Script: unique count is: 195
*** Script: uniqified length: 190
*** Script: ab695,ach39,ad522,aev4,alb45,amb25,apr27,as2349,as2388,as349,asgambat,aws22,baa35,bd248,beechejr,bjr4,bm92,bp254,caf2,cam49,cap9,capezzcp,cascott,cclaflin,cf394,cjb6,cjd43,cjd43,clr26,cody,crb3,cs348,dbpetros,dck26,ddh2,ddimassa,de89,dk35,dlj35,dlp4,dmcgraw,dmk8,dmm73,dmz5,dos2,dt379,dtn4,dw352,dz3,eab78,em228,emc23,esandor,fb7,ftemple,gp72,grantjr,grantjr,hb276,hmp25,hpretty,hs343,iss6,jal227,jbentley,jc728,jca35,jcrosby,jcrosby,jcs228,jd39,jdd25,jdj3,jef32,jew8,jg825,jh877,jis4,jk424,jk835,jl898,jld23,jm238,jm536,jrollins,jrw48,js2334,js2334,jt449,jw266,jwl47,jwl7,kal4,kcm4,kd259,kdb9,kf4,kg247,kjd2,km537,km653,kr5,krd7,ks584,kv86,kw248,lac88,lbc3,lds7,lefebvre,lj62,ljm33,lkw2,lms53,lr369,ls8,luanne,margmac,mbw22,mc2,mcr8,mcsmith,mcy2,md452,mf74,mg869,mgb22,mkd22,mm235,mz237,nas39,nls4,nmc3,nmd2,no43,pab22,pab23,pal36,palmeri,patience,pcoles,ped2,pf92,popolid,pp264,pv26,pwilson,ral29,rb7,rgk23,rh369,rh458,rk44,rmc22,rmc7,rro2,rs825,rsrome,sag3,sally,sandran,saz4,sbk29,sc655,scs6,sd44,sdm5,sep5,sg32,sic7,sjb52,sjl53,sjperry,sjs38,slatter,sm622,spm3,spw4,sts8,szh4,szotto,szotto,tac3,tad1,tb23,td77,tenajg,tlm26,wc6,wjl5,wp96,zit3,zl68,zmb3,
*** Script: ready for AD
*** Script: ab695;ach39;ad522;aev4;alb45;amb25;apr27;as2349;as2388;as349;asgambat;aws22;baa35;bd248;beechejr;bjr4;bm92;bp254;caf2;cam49;cap9;capezzcp;cascott;cclaflin;cf394;cjb6;cjd43;clr26;cody;crb3;cs348;dbpetros;dck26;ddh2;ddimassa;de89;dk35;dlj35;dlp4;dmcgraw;dmk8;dmm73;dmz5;dos2;dt379;dtn4;dw352;dz3;eab78;em228;emc23;esandor;fb7;ftemple;gp72;grantjr;hb276;hmp25;hpretty;hs343;iss6;jal227;jbentley;jc728;jca35;jcrosby;jcs228;jd39;jdd25;jdj3;jef32;jew8;jg825;jh877;jis4;jk424;jk835;jl898;jld23;jm238;jm536;jrollins;jrw48;js2334;jt449;jw266;jwl47;jwl7;kal4;kcm4;kd259;kdb9;kf4;kg247;kjd2;km537;km653;kr5;krd7;ks584;kv86;kw248;lac88;lbc3;lds7;lefebvre;lj62;ljm33;lkw2;lms53;lr369;ls8;luanne;margmac;mbw22;mc2;mcr8;mcsmith;mcy2;md452;mf74;mg869;mgb22;mkd22;mm235;mz237;nas39;nls4;nmc3;nmd2;no43;pab22;pab23;pal36;palmeri;patience;pcoles;ped2;pf92;popolid;pp264;pv26;pwilson;ral29;rb7;rgk23;rh369;rh458;rk44;rmc22;rmc7;rro2;rs825;rsrome;sag3;sally;sandran;saz4;sbk29;sc655;scs6;sd44;sdm5;sep5;sg32;sic7;sjb52;sjl53;sjperry;sjs38;slatter;sm622;spm3;spw4;sts8;szh4;szotto;tac3;tad1;tb23;td77;tenajg;tlm26;wc6;wjl5;wp96;zit3;zl68;zmb3
, multiple selections available,