How do I attach a persistent NFS volume to my Spinup container?



  • You need to have at least one NFS volume created and located in the same space as your container

Note: If you don’t know how to create an NFS volume or want to learn more about the NFS offering in Spinup please see


Attaching The Volume

Navigate to the container service in question and click on the Volumes tab located just under the container service header on the left-hand side of the page. After clicking the volumes tab you should be greeted with the following screen (it may look a bit different if you already have ephemeral volumes): 

Follow these steps to add an NFS volume and attach its mount point:

  1. Click the Persistent button

  2. Select a created volume from the list, configure the root directory (optional), and click Add Volume.

  3. Once added, click the plus symbol on the right-hand side under the container mount point to be mapped.
    Note: In this example we only have one container definition, however, if your service has multiple definitions they will show up in the list one after the other

  4. After adding the input for mapping the container path fill out the required info and click the checkmark to the left of the add button. If another mapping is required simply click the add button again to add an additional mapping once the prior one has been correctly filled out.
    Note: The sections being edited must be confirmed before a redeploy will be allowed.

  5. If everything is correct the container service is now ready to be redeployed with the NFS volume. Simply click the Redeploy button up top and confirm the redeployment. Upon successful creation an alert will be displayed above the service header that the addition process has been completed successfully.