Eclipse Setup for Developers
Download and Install
Eclipse is distributed from New versions are released at the end of June each year. The 2018 version is Photon.
Start with the J2EE Distribution
There is a small Eclipse Installer that allows you to select a starting configuration and then it downloads the Eclipse program and stores it in a directory. The problem is that this Eclipse is dependent on files outside the directory managed by the Installer. So you cannot move or copy it to another machine.
Eclipse is also distributed as a self-contained zip file of a running standalone application. It depends on the Platform (Windows) and is different for 32 and 64 bit (use 64), but the unzipped directory can be copied from one Windows system to another, even after you configure it by adding support for Tomcat, Subversion, Spring, or Sailpoint development. This is not the way that offers you if you click the big Download button, but if you look under the button you will find a link to "Download Packages". Click that link and choose the "Eclipse IDE for J2EE Developers" option in the Windows 64 Bit configuration.
Adding Options
You can add additional features to Eclipse from the Help - Eclipse Marketplace option. This opens dialog window with a Search field that populates a box with descriptions of packages that contain the search text. You select a package and press the Install button.
Eclipse is designed to modify the runtime environment of Web Servers like Tomcat to run the application using files from the Eclipse Workspace. We, however, construct a specific configuration in the Tomcat webapps directory using our Install project. We cannot use the Eclipse model of internal debugging. There are several versions of a plugin that simply runs the Tomcat server "as is" using the standard Tomcat configuration in the deployed directory (/apps/tomcat/...).
In Eclipse Marketplace, search for "Tomcat" and press Install in "Eclipse Tomcat Plugin 9.1.3".
Subversion used to be standard in Eclipse, but now only Git is standard and you have to add Subversion support.
The old standard Eclipse project, which is now optional, is called "Subversive". Search for "SVN" in Marketplace and press Install in "Subversive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5".
During the standard Eclipse Plugin installation sequence the optional features will not be automatically select. When the list of options is displayed, check th box next to "Subversive SVN Integration for the M2E Project (Optional)" so you get the SVN+Maven support.
After Eclipse restarts it has added Subversion support to the "Team" menu options, but it has not installed a "connector". Open Windows - Preferences. In the left box, expand "Team" and select "SVN". Click the ":SVN Connector" Tab. After a fresh install of Subversive the SVN Connector pulldown box will be empty. To populate the box, choose the "SVNKit" option from the popup dialog box. This installs a pure Java JAR file implementation of the SVN client protocol.
The Sailpoint support for IIQ is not in the Eclipse Marketplace. You have to configure it yourself. Select Help - Install New Software ...
To define the Sailpoint distribution URL, click the Manage button on the far right of the top line. In the Available Software Sites click Add.
Name: Sailpoint
Click the Add button. Click Apply and Close in the dialog. That should display the Sailpoint menu. If you open the Sailpoint group you will see "IdentityIQ Deployment Accelerator Feature" and can click the Checkbox to select it. Press Next and complete the lnstall.