Express Shipping

Express Shipping


We provide a method for automated maintenance of Express Shipping access.  Detailed rules about who has access and the functional process are in the requirements documents.  Basically there are 3 groups we care about and maintain.

  • Birthright
    • Those who get automatic access to Express Shipping.  This is handled by another process within IAM
  • Included
    • Those who don't have birthright access and need to be included by exception
  • Excluded
    • Those who had access, but are now explicitly being excluded


Membership is maintained in Grouper lists.  The lists are maintained as properties.

Catalog Item

The catalog item does some real-time checking via client script to determine which option we extend to the person filling out the form.  If the user already has access we only give the option to remove, and if they don't have access only the option to add is given.


The RITM_Express_Shipping workflow contains all the logic needed to satisfy the Express shipping request.

Script Include

The YaleEship script include handles most interactions needed with the Grouper API and leverages the YaleGrouper script include to perform the actions to query and update Grouper itself.  This script include works for both the client and server sides. 


Same as Grouper in general, if the mid server is down requests and workflow will fail.  Simply bringing the mid server back up will solve this issue. Errors are displayed to the end user when the service is down and the workflow will recognize the error and spin off an incident for manual intervention.