Version Notes 1.3

This is a minor version, which indicates that if you do not want any of the new features your existing code will continue to work. This change was deployed to Production on 6/18/2019.

Details on how to use the APIs: PeopleService Making Requests


For Both PeopleService and GetPeopleService -

  • You can now filter on additional fields of Supervisory Org, Department grouping, Planning Unit Section, Netid, UPI, Id Card Number, and Prox Number.
  • You will now be able to pass strings of multiple IDs (netid, upi, etc) as a population filter and return the limited amount of people in the response. For requests for individual people, you should continue to use SearchByIndividual as the performance will be better.

GetPeopleService - Previously this service did not allow any parameters to be passed. It only returned everything the user had access to. We have now enabled passing query string parameters to this endpoint.

Query Parameters you can now pass:

Query Parameters
Includefuture (Y, N (default is N))
Netid (multiple comma delimited. For 1 person still use searchbyindividual endpoint, performance will be better)
Upi (multiple comma delimited. For 1 person still use searchbyindividual endpoint, performance will be better)
Idcard (multiple comma delimited. For 1 person still use searchbyindividual endpoint, performance will be better)
Prox (multiple comma delimited. For 1 person still use searchbyindividual endpoint, performance will be better)
Role (Staff, Faculty, Student)

Note: When using GetPeopleService the API will always hit the backend database using an "IN" SQL query, in PeopleService you are able to pass other query types like "Equals", "Like", Beginswith". If you require that functionality, continue to use PeopleService.

Example Requests:,10345083,10346273,10347412,10348874,10365313,10366061,10370515,10379474