Version Notes 1.1

This is a minor version, which indicates that if you do not want any of the new features your existing code will continue to work. This change was deployed to Production on 8/24/2017.


For PeopleService, GetPeopleService, LimitedPeopleService and SearchByIndividual web services -

  • Change #1: Add the possibility to get “Future State” data, which includes future hires and future rehires. In order to get future data you will need to add “?includefuture=Y” parameter onto your endpoint. All existing requests will not need to be changed if you do not require future state data.

This is an example of the proposed data:


If you do not add includefuture=Y parameter by default you will get data in the “Current view” (This is what has always been seen), if you add the parameter you will get data as it is in the “Future View”. Note: The logic for this is a current bug in the PeopleHub itself, so until that is resolved, rehires will display in their future state in all views (this is how the data has been since July).

Example Future state requests:





To help determine the source of your record, we have also added the field “View” to the “Status” section of the response data.  C=Current State, F=Future State


  • Change #2: This affects only PeopleService, GetPeopleService, and SearchByIndividual web services. We have added Mail Stop Address fields to the “Contact” response. This is the address for the mail stop code of the record.