Version Notes 1.2

This is a minor version, which indicates that if you do not want any of the new features your existing code will continue to work. This change was deployed to Production on 8/9/2018.


For PeopleService, GetPeopleService and SearchByIndividual web services - 

Field Additions:

New fields have been added to the end of the following service response sections:

  1. <Demographics> response:

These fields are part of the Limited data grouping and pertain to the education of an employee or contingent worker as available in Workday.

			  <Degree>Doctor of Medicine;Bachelor of Arts</Degree>
              <EduSchLoc>Georgia, United States of America;Connecticut, United States of America</EduSchLoc>
              <EduSchNm>Emory University;Yale University</EduSchNm>

      2. <Position> response:

These fields are part of the Restricted-Salary data grouping.


To Access the updated XSD Schema prior to go-live on 8/9 please use this URL:

Bug Fixes:

The SQL connection was not always closing once the service ran successfully causing lockouts/performance problems with the PeopleHub on high traffic occasions. We altered how early in the job we close the connection in order to resolve this issue. This will not have any impact on users.