

Question JaspersoftToad
Can I run a query off of the results of another query? I.e. Cascading reports. Running a query against the result of another query is not possible in Jaspersoft Studio. You can only have one main dataset where you can use the fields in the report and you can add sub dataset that is NOT dependent on your main dataset. This sub dataset can be used as a source to create tables / cross-tabs but the fields inside that sub dataset can't be drop into the report. We have not yet tried this in the ad-hoc reporting tool yet.

Yes, however you need design each step as a separate element: "the query, the result-set as published dataset, a second query that contains the dataset as table, etc. You can there-after combine the different elements in an Automation (through a drag and drop script creator) and run the cascade as one process. (see picture below:

E.T.A. If you don't need the upstream results but only need the end-results you can also design a Query with sub-queries in this way you create 1 query-statement

Can I display column headers, even when there is no data in that column? 

No. This is expected behavior and is how Brio also works.The same as in Brio; the query should contain a table with all the column headers as a field and a join that forces the output to contain all those column headers regardless of whether these is any data linked to them in the other tables (a left/right outer join)
Can I add computed fields in the results set of a report?You can do calculations against the result set using calculated fields but there are limitations on how complex the calculation will be. Ideally calculations would be done as part of an ETL process. You can add calculated fields to the Query but in this phase you can't create computed field based on the results of other computed fields. If the computed field reach this level of complexity you can send the results to the ETL part of Toad Datapoint and use the dataset/results of this ETL step in the creation of reports, pivots, charts or cascading queries.
Can I create "groups" of variables that I can reuse in the report? I.e. a group of full time tenured faculty.The grouping functionality in Brio would work as a calculated field in Jaspersoft using if-else statement. Jaspersoft doesn't have the same functionality as Brio where you can create a group and assign values for each group.

There is a "Group Column" function in the ETL element that allows one to create a new column that displays in which group one put that Faculty (based on lastname, pidm etc.) see pciture below. This "Step" can be saved and used in the ETL transformations of other datasets/results.

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