How do I share my Spinup space with other users?

Granting Access to Your Space

By default, only you can access a newly created Spinup space. To allow others to manage resources:

  1. Open the space and navigate to the 'Access' tab.

  1. Type the name of the person you want to invite (they must have a Spinup account).

  1. Select their name to send an email invitation and add them to the space access list.

Viewing Shared Spaces

Invited users, like Camden, will see the shared space, e.g., "ShareMe", on their Spinup home page.

Revoking Access

To revoke access:

  1. Return to the 'Access' tab.

  2. Click 'remove' next to the user's name. This sends a notification email to the user.

Key Points to Remember

  • Users accessing high or moderate risk spaces must accept a security agreement.

  • Only the space owner can add/remove users and access the Settings tab.

  • Users with access can delete or modify servers and resources.

  • Server creation in a shared space grants exclusive access to the creator. They can extend access by adding SSH keys or group permissions.

  • Space access doesn't imply automatic access to servers; it only allows management through the UI.

  • Removing a user from a space doesn’t remove their access to existing servers. Manual removal of user accounts or resetting database passwords is required.

  • Resource creators are listed under Admin for clear accountability.